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Toilet Paper.....

Which way do you place toilet paper  

128 members have voted

  1. 1. Which way do you place toilet paper

    • Hanging down at the back
    • Over the top and hanging at the front
    • Neither - I leave it on the cistern/floor/shelf
    • I don't - the toilet roll fairy does it!

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I love the idea of tidy, rotated towels, labeled neat cupboards and everything clean and where it should go... I had a tidy airing cupboard with folded towels and bed sheets, grouped by sizes and all sets matching... then I got au-pairs :roll: I'd be lucky if the towels/linen has been put away and it's not in a huge pile in the dining room totally covering the basket that was meant to contain them... And since we've got this lovely man-aupair it's getting even worse! (lovely guy but it takes him about 1/2 hour to empty the dishwasher - really I'm not joking! I think he takes housework as a zen meditative sort of thing... :shock: ) Today the sitting room needs tidying so there's no hope the laundry's going to be ironed and put away unless it grows little legs and takes itself to roost...


So now I'm off to do some ironing and putting away... talk about having dogs and barking oneself!!!


Sorry to go off topic but the image of those lovely folded towels in tidy shelves just got me reminiscing of times past...


By the way, loo roll to the front, easier to grab without touching wall. Also the little pre-cut hole-things need to be aligned, absolutely no ragged edges... must rush to open the door, the lovely men who deliver my very long sleeved white shirts have arrived to take me for a ride to the nice dark room... :wink:

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Oh my goodness, I've just read this thread...what are you all like :lol::lol::lol:

I must be some kind of slatternly housewife cos I never even think about which way the paper hangs, I just shove the roll on the holder and that's it. Now I'm going to have to chec all the bathrooms in the house just to see if I have a subconscious technique that I'm not even aware of.

That said I'm not completely without hope....I am the only one in my household who seems to realise that toilet rolls need changing...the others would happily leave an empty roll in situ and balance a new roll on the nearest surface rather than actually hang it up :wall:

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:lol::lol: Nah! Tidy on the outside............really, really messy in cupboards where no one sees :lol: .


Sounds just like my house. People often comment on how tidy it is!!! Little do they know that it is only tidy because everything is slung into the cupboards, to keep the clutter out of view!


I thought the whole point of an airing-cupboard was so you could just shove sheets, towels etc in there and then close the door? :?


My sister came to stay and she IRONED the duvet cover, and then folded it. It took me ages to find it in there, it was so flat.

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I have only read the first and last page of this thread so far but I am glad to see that the majority vote was for front hanging. This is an issue here too I have always gone for the front hanging option, I don't like the idea of grubby fingers s"Ooops, word censored!"ing my walls :vom: Hubby however likes it to be the other way around :evil:

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Our loo roll used to sit on the side of the bath but after falling in too many times (ending up soggy or out of reach depending on the state of the bath) I insisted on a holder. If you put the roll in with the end at the back the holder holds on to the roll and won't let you get a piece off without a fight, so it has to be over the top and end at the front for us now. Before that I had no preference.

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Both loos in my house have the loo rolls hanging down at the front, but that's just pure coincidence because it doesn't really bother me.


Just don't get Lesley on the subject of 'Kitten soft' and scratchy loo roll!


Over the top and hanging in front for me
:lol: Just about sums you up Lovie! And no, I didn't change yours!
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I thought the whole point of an airing-cupboard was so you could just shove sheets, towels etc in there and then close the door? :?



so did I Olly.


I do feel very slovernly reading all of this thread. I have a couple of fridge magnets that sum up my attitude to housework:


"Cleaning a house when you have kids is like shovelling snow in a blizzard" and (please don't anyone take offence..... :whistle: ) "Dull women have immaculate houses!"

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Until I met Hubby I had no loo roll preference. But he insisted on the hanging down the front version as a condition of us moving in together so that's how it is. He also changes it round in other people's houses (so embarrassing, no wonder we never get invited anywhere :roll: ).


As for towels, he folds them wrong, I fold them correctly :D


PS, I've taken part in a loo roll hanging discussion before on another forum some years ago, so it's clearly a subject of considerable interest :D

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I think we need an OCD thread.


My towels are categorised.


Bath towels and hand towels are bundled in the airing cupboard


Hot tub towels are bundled in the hot tub cupboard


Swimming towels/gym towels are bundled in gym/swimming bags


And if a towel is left on the bedroom/landing floor or shoved over the bannister I get confused.


Tea towels are shoved in a basket in the kitchen


Face flannels are shoved in a basket in the bathroom


And to continue the basket theme tights, socks, knickers are all shoved in a basket in the bedroom - right on top of the drawers they are supposed to be in. Oh the tights are loosly knotted into one jumble too - cos that's how they come out of the washing machine.




I can't get my breath :shock::shock: *breathe deeply Christian*

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Thank you omlet for giving forum time to these important matters for me!!! Definitely over the top and hanging down - it's the only way to find the end!!! And, on the rare occasion I've stayed in a posh hotel they fold the end into a neat little point, now that wouldn't work hidden at the back would it?


Now also feel like my 'place for everything and everything in it's place' is not quite as obsessive as some people's......! :D:D:D

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I had to replace the toilet roll last night and found msyelf turning it both ways 'just to see' you lot!!!! LOLOLOL :D:wink:


I have just done the same thing while I was on the loo - just to see what the difference is and really and truly I cannot for the life of me see what the difference is.

Dont start on cupboards - OK till they are opened but no-one but family opens them! Avalanche warning right enough.


I do iron duvet covers though as I just adore newly ironed clean sheets.

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I voted for the second option of hanging down at the front.


My dad was a painter and decorator and always told his customers to hang the toilet paper this way to avoid s"Ooops, word censored!"ing your fingernails on the wallpaper or painted bathroom walls when tearing off a sheet or two. He always knew which of his customers did not do this as the walls were always marked when he went back to re-decorate.


Definitely hanging at the front. Not so much for the s"Ooops, word censored!"ing off but for possible deposit issues. :vom:

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Well I am a front and over person and OH I thought was under, but now denies all knowledge and doesn't understand what I am talking about :? It has been bothering me for ages that he changed it last and it is under, but not quite enough to do something about it :lol: He says just change it :roll:

OH says the only reason hotels fold paper is because they no longer use a new roll per guest and want to make it look more "new."

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