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The Junk Fairy

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Why oh why does the junk fairy target my house?


I don't buy 'stuff' so where does all the junk come from? Now I can't get in to the spare bedroom to get to my Christmas decorations, and I so wanted to put the wreath on the door. I need to get to the sewing machine (I know it's in there somewhere!) got a chicken doorstop to make too!


Mind you, she's also been busy in my shed, so she is obviously at home on my property, I just wish she would go away and find someone else to dump her junk on!


Got the afternoon and all weekend to kick her and her junk out before going back to work on Monday.


Does she visit anyone else on a regular basis?

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:shock: She's bee here too, depsite several de-junking episodes. My shed is now so full that stuff falls out when I open the door :roll:

The junk (well OK chicken stuff, aubiose, food bin....) holds everything in the shed so you can't actually walk in it anymore. Things just fall between the gaps as I lean in.

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Well, at least she only visits your houses! think yourselves lucky! She lives in mine all year round and she's an absolute nightmare to live with too! :(:oops::roll:


Well there must be more than one then :shock: - I thought she lived here :roll:

In fact we have so much junk and mess that ours must be male :wink:

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Ginette wrote

Well, at least she only visits your houses! think yourselves lucky! She lives in mine all year round and she's an absolute nightmare to live with too!


and Lesley wrote

Well there must be more than one then - I thought she lived here


There's plenty more. We have at least one junk fairy living at ours and I think a second one lives in our garage :shock:


I keep thinking I need to evict her but hate the thought of fairies having to sleep on the streets :wink:



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We have a specialist junk fairy in our house. It's specialism is carrier bags. It shoves them down the back of the books on the book shelf. Quite bizarre really. I keep leaving little reminders that we actually do have a carrier bag holder in the pantry, but it prefers the book shelf.


I think the kitchen junk fairy must do the rounds. Mine loves leaving the marg and milk out in the morning and a couple of doors wide open, which it alternates every other day.


I keep thinking I need to evict her but hate the thought of fairies having to sleep on the streets :wink:


I wonder if Clare could squeeze her into her shed Morag?

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I decided to do some investigation and try and track down my junk fairy....


I started in the garden and the trail of bin lid off, hose unreeled and shed unlocked led me into the hallway....


....here the plastic bags dumped next to (not in :evil: ) the spare bag holder and the shoes in the middle of the floor led me to the kitchen.....


...I saw clear junk fairy evidence of activity in the form of marg left on side and bread left uncovered and then followed the tea drips on the floor trail to the living room....


....the discarded dirty socks and opened, yet thrown on the floor letters pointed me to the hallway.....


....so I went upstairs following the trail of "things to be taken upstairs" that have been sat on the stairs for some time.....


and found myself in the bedroom where my darling boyfriend was lying on the bed ON TOP OF a pile of clean clothes that need to be put away......



...but he assures me he never saw any fairy!! :roll::roll::wink:

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