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Long Legs

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Can anyone help please?


I need to buy new jeans but I am struggling to get any to fit me :(


I need a 34 inch leg which are fine with flatties, however if I want to wear heels they need to longer. Oh and I am a size 8 :(


I have tried Next (33 inch is their longest) and Long Tall Sally (which start at a size 10)


Any mail order or online sites would be fanastic :D

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......... and why am I looking in a topic called Long Legs??? :?:?:roll:


Me too Lesley!


Seriously, have you tried Wallis clothing? They are very generous with the length.


A friend of mine is 5'10" and buys jeans from M&S.


Will try and think of some others. Good luck, shopping is really a chore when there isn't much choice :(

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Well I can be of assistance!!!


Have you tried looking at New Look's tall range-it's for over people of 5' 8" in height. And if you can find a Store of Dorothy Perkins with the tall range they could help too.


For shoes, have you been to Faith-they go up to a size 8 adn 9's on the internet the same with Next.


Hope that helps you out.

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I'm at least 5'10", and mine are from Agnes B. They were quite expensive but they're very comfortable.


I got a cheaper but very similar pair last year from M&S but they're so much less comfortable that I wouldn't repeat them. I reckon the extra cost is fair enough seeing as I wear jeans virtually every day, and so certainly get my money's worth!

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I have tried the M&S site 33 inches again and no Wallis around here.


Until recently I was a snug size 10. a few weeks ago the weight started to slip away :(


This has happened before about 3 years ago. I was refered to a dietician after my GP could not find the cause. I had to follow a disgusting diet which included along with my normal meals and snacks, 3 Mars bars a day and 6 cans of Coke. Everything had to be fried in butter or covered in double cream. I ended up feeling very ill and it took 9 months for me to put on a stone :( I really don't want to go down than route again :(


I will have to buy some braces :lol: I threw away all my small clothes when I had reached my target weight and swore It would never happen again :roll:


I will try New Look :D Dorothy Perkins up here has a limited range of clothes which is why I thought mail order would be better.


I am only 5' 6" but with very long legs and quite small feet (thanks LIz)

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Well I'm glad I can be of at least a little help.


I know what it's like though. My sister's just the same when she was in her 1st year at uni she was catered for and as she has a mild dairy intolerence she couldn't eat a lot of the food she was served and she lost a lot of weight and had to force herself to eat a whole carton of soya milk every few days.


Not fun. Hope you get better soon though.

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Until recently I was a snug size 10. a few weeks ago the weight started to slip away :(


This has happened before about 3 years ago. I was refered to a dietician after my GP could not find the cause. I had to follow a disgusting diet which included along with my normal meals and snacks, 3 Mars bars a day and 6 cans of Coke. Everything had to be fried in butter or covered in double cream. I ended up feeling very ill and it took 9 months for me to put on a stone :( I really don't want to go down than route again :(



So sorry to hear of your weight problems Ali. I was 7 stone (with a 20 inch waist :shock: )for years and despaired of putting on weight. GP advice was a rather unhelpful "eat more". I found I could 'up' my calorie intake without feeling sick by eating nuts and raisins etc. You don't want to fill up on stodge because your stomach is probably very small. It took me about 2 years to put on weight, it is really, really hard.


Good luck

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Long legs run in our family.........

........ :roll::lol:

Even though you had advice before, maybe you should have a medical check up because of the sudden weight loss?

I'm surprised at the diet you were given before with such bursts of sugar & fats, but then I don't know the full story.

My ancient Good Housekeeping book has a section about putting on weight which I've certainly never needed. But, obviously trying to gain weight can be a real problem if it's not what your body does, so I hope you can get some good advice.

Good luck with finding some jeans, but do see the doc. again. Let us know how you get along. :)

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Until recently I was a snug size 10. a few weeks ago the weight started to slip away :(


This has happened before about 3 years ago. I was refered to a dietician after my GP could not find the cause. I had to follow a disgusting diet which included along with my normal meals and snacks, 3 Mars bars a day and 6 cans of Coke. Everything had to be fried in butter or covered in double cream. I ended up feeling very ill and it took 9 months for me to put on a stone :( I really don't want to go down than route again :(


Sorry Ali - didn't mean to sound rude to you earlier - i was just having a 'fat' day :oops: (and an 'old' day as well :roll: )

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