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Not quite as much as Mr B Matthews of Norfolk - but approaching it! :shock: My eglu was due to arrive today - I specifically requested Tuesday as its my day off. I waited in until 3pm - school - no sign. :( I called the office and they confirmed it was scheduled for today andshould be with me by 5pm, Anyway still no sign at 5pm so I rang again; they rang the courier who said they hadn't received the eglu as yet for delivery :?

Fingers crossed it will be here tomorrow - I hope it is here by saturday as we are due to pick up our hens at weekend!

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Oh Susie, how disappointing. :( You'll have to ring up in the morning to find out what is happening. I think it is quite normal for potential eglu/chicken owners to momentarily lose their virtue of patience when awaiting the arrival of said eglu and chickens. :?:wink:

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:D:D:D Its arrived!! :D:D:D

Cant wait to get home from work and the kids in bed (isn't that awlful) so I can unwrap and play with my new toy! It is in large boxes at the momen. But I had a peak through the handle hole - the blue is like that of the picture on the shop site at the moment - a little darker , not so bright as previous blue - which is fine by me as I like the look of the pic on the shop site. Chicks at weekend now YIPEE! :D

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Wonderful.... :D


I'm hoping that my red eglu and Chooks will arive tomorrow....


Weather permitting :(


Penny Phoned to say I'm on the list but they will have to play it by ear because of the snow warnings.


There will be an outcry in Stockport if it doesn't arrive.....


We will all go :roll::roll::roll: Tut!

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Hopefully the cold weather will be over by Monday so your new chickens Jamie will have missed the worst of the weather, :) We had a fair bit of snow here this morning - late for work, most schools closed. Most of it has gone now though!

Going to get the run assembled later - it looks a bit completcated! Will be ready for my hens - going to collect Saturday or Sunday.

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