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Nicola H

First blue egg for 5 months........

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I can't believe it Bunty has started to lay again, when I got home form the shops there was a perfect blue egg waiting for me...........They all got a cob of corn each as a treat, although the other 2 haven't layed an egg for months either...............I was giving up hope of any of them laying again after they were attacked so am very pleased that little Bunty is still earning her keep........ :lol: There will be a fight in the morning as to who gets to eat it............ :lol:

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:clap: Well done Bunty ... mine all went "off" lay for a while, then Ginger (the original Omlet chook) laid again, before passing to the giant henhouse in the sky. Slowly but surely, Mrs Snowy and Ebony have returned to normal laying patterns, so pretty much a 2 egg day mostly :P .


Enjoy the lovely rich blue egg ..... there weren't any from the adopted flock for this weekends brekky :( . Ben and Joe love them, and they look so pretty in the egg spiral :wink: .

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Excellent news Nicola and very well done Bunty :D .

I noticed the other day that Phil's comb appears to be growing and reddening up again, so with any luck she might be on the verge of laying me some blue eggs again. We've not had any since early October, so I'll be delighted when she starts laying again.

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KateA I hope that Phil starts to lay again soon she was such a late starter you had almost given up hope of seeing a blue egg........... :lol:


I checked the nest this morning and to my suprise Ginger had layed and Bunty so my first 2 egg day for ages, I am glad Ginger has layed again it shows she is feeling better even though she is still limping around........I guess after the attack she will always have a limp but at least she is healthy............. :lol:

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Where did you get Bunty from?


Martin Bunty came from a breader in Flintshire, I got her address out of the Practical Poultry magazine the ladies name was Andrea, she had a real assortment of birds including a very large turkey called Basil she actually picked him up and gave him a cuddle he was nearly as big as her............. :lol:

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