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Is this the new Mark 3 ?????????????????

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Wow - what a lot of catching up to do! The cube looks fantastic - but I'm with you Bronze, I could have afforded it last November when I bought the mark2 due to a lovely pension payment. No chance now unfortunately - will have to keep flogging things on ebay to earn some extra dosh! :lol:


Martin - all the pictures cam up on your blog this time. Now I've seen it in glorious technicolour, looking great! 8)


Shona - what can I say :shock: Have you ever thought of going into the entertainment business and do you need a manager? :wink::lol::lol::lol:

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Maybe I am confused (it is early still), but.................if the eggport has a hole through to the main roosting area, how can you stroke the hens goodnight without trying to poke your hand through the hole which goes between the 2 areas?


Just an observation.....

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I keep going over and over all the details and pictures of the cube :lol:


I'm still not sure Pepsi could get up the ladder :? I wonder how big the gap is between the rungs?


Also not sure about the nestbox. The blurb sates that 3 Hens can use the nestbox at the same time. However what happens if the first Hen decides to nest near the opening, do the other 2 have to climb over her to lay their eggs? Or if the first Hen is sensible and goes to the far end of the nestbox does she have to wait patiently after laying and wait for the others to finish, or does she clamber over the top of the other two to get out :lol:


Also noticed this morning they have slapped and extra £20 delivery charge to North of Edinburgh which I am sure wasn't there last night.

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I've been looking at the pictures and im not so sure about the ladder - I have a big wooden house about the same height off the ground and that had a ladder which the girls really did not understand at all so i got rid of it - they now have one of those wooden saw horse things that you saw wood on which they jump up onto and walk along to get into the house - also ideal for perching on to preen apparently. Just a suggestion if your girls dont like the ladder.........probably not the most practical thing for a chicken but it does look very pretty :wink:

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I was lucky as we have our Mark 1 on a stand with a very crudely made wooden ladder and the girls got the hang of it straight away (which is amazing as two of them still haven't got the hang of egg laying and that's supposed to be their job :lol: ). I'll see how they get on with the ladder for the Cube and if they are struggling, LSH will be able to sort something out for them - or we post them through the door every night :lol: .

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I am really torn between getting one & not :?:?:?


I didn't think I would, but the fact that the nesting area is more cut off from the roosting area is a big bonus for me, as they all seem to want to sleep in the nest box :roll:

And the bigger nest box would end the waiting & squabbles.

My pen is already larger than the cube pen plus the extension,so we could also get a couple more hens if we wanted - we currently have 5 in our pen.

And I really like the look of the auto feeder & nipple drinker too.


It looks like I am talking myself into it,doesn't it?


Decisions,decisions 8):roll:8)

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I was lucky as we have our Mark 1 on a stand with a very crudely made wooden ladder and the girls got the hang of it straight away (which is amazing as two of them still haven't got the hang of egg laying and that's supposed to be their job :lol: ). I'll see how they get on with the ladder for the Cube and if they are struggling, LSH will be able to sort something out for them - or we post them through the door every night :lol: .


wonder if Stannah Stair chairs have any ideas :wink::wink::roll::roll::roll::D:D:D

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I think I am going to hold on to my Mark 2 for the old ladies. I am not sure you should introduce ladders to chickens who are getting set in their ways, especially when they seem to have forgotten how to fly, even though their wings have grown back.


I still haven't ordered a Mark 3. I am 100% certain I want one, but only 90% certain that I need one, 80% certain that I have room for one, and 70% certain that I can afford one. Is that enough?


I have come to the conclusion that the Mark 3 will have to take over part of the vegetable garden, and have paving slabs all the way round holding down the skirt and forming a path. This will make it easy to access both sides, which I have deduced is important. It will also be very safe, as I will be able to inspect it all around every night.


The drawback with this Plan B is that there is no shade whatsoever in this area. Will the hens mind, as long as I keep the sun-cover on top? And does anyone know if I will get a longer shade if I buy the 3m version (with the extension)?

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Go for it Gallina! :D

Not sure about the shade. I've gone for a cube with the extension... It looks like there are two shades anyway, doesn't it? So hopefully if they are a standard size, we will just be able to just get an extra shade? I have never been happy about how the shades look on my mark 2 and converter. It will be great to have something that looks smart!

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There's a photo of the Cube with extended run, showing two normal sunshades on top rather than a single longer one. I suspect that this is a good thing - gives more flexibility in arranging them.


What I am really interested in, though, is how many people are going to be getting rid of their old Mark 2s once they get a Cube :D

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I certainly won't be selling my Mark 2 until the Mark 4 comes out!


I imagine that only people who just can't accommodate two Eglus will be selling. (And people with very small gardens won't be able to accommodate a Mark 3 anyway.)


So I don't think that there will be a huge number of extra ones for sale on eBay.


Thank goodness I am on holiday from work this week: I couldn't have coped with all these decisions if I had to work as well. I am now out into the back garden to do some measuring.

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When I spoke to James yesterday, he said there was no delivery charge at present :D . He is just having troubles removing it from the order pages :D

Better get in there quick everybody! :wink:




I wonder how long that will be for. I can't make a decision till I get moved into the new house, and suss the nieghbours out. I really, really, really want a pink one... :D

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Aaaaah.......cunning Annie, very cunning. I've just checked the Omlet breeders list, and there is one 10 minutes away from the new house - I think it may be fate!!! I may suggest a trip down to the house on Friday (just to check it's still there, of course!), and measure the space I have earmarked for chickens, just to check the cube will fit. But just don't tell chookiehubbie..... :wink:

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