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What did you do this weekend...?

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I would love to go to Crufts one day, isn't it the final today?


Definitely no photos - it wasn't a pretty sight! I can't believe how much my arms ache today though. The teacher (who works at the club) was amazingly strong yet graceful, she could hold herself upside down on the pole just gripping on with her legs :shock: .....I could barely hold onto the pole at all! :oops::lol: It really was good fun, not seedy in the slightest. She told us some interesting stories too!

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I cannot top that either :roll:


Yesterday I took eldest to the hairdressers after OH thought that it would be a good idea to give her a hair cut last Sunday while I was out riding :shock: Today I went to London Olympia, La Dolce Vita Italian festival :D I came away with some lovely cheese, ham, sweets and honey :D

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I definitely can't top the pole dancing :shock::lol::lol::lol:

Great exercise and it sounds like fun.

I did have a busy weekend though. I helped at 2 BHWT rescues :D .

Saturday I went with Jean (BHWT Essex co-ordinator) & Sophie101am (from the forum) to a farm in Norfolk to collect 250 hens. I went into the sheds to take the hens out of the cages. An unforgettable experience I can tell you. Then we transported them back, sorted them out and handed them over to their adopters.

Sunday I was only involved in the clean up and handing over end of the operation, so an easier day. Great fun though :D I met Tina C and her family, as well as Petula, Cilla and Dusty of course.............. and came home with 2 extra birds myself :roll::wink:

Oh, and we've been decorating madly for the past few weeks, and things all got very muddled because we got behind with one room, then the next workman came in to start in another room (we've had a plasterer and a plumber in) and I've been tearing my hair out because I've not been able to find anything and we've had boxes and boxes of stuff all over the house. Well Saturday we finally, finally finished our bedroom and I slept in my own bed (as opposed to the smaller spare bed) for the first time in 2 weeks. Well worth celebrating :dance:

Exhausted now though after such a busy weekend :oops::lol::lol::lol:

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Well now you know what I did today (just in case you missed my previous post). Went to collect Dusty, Cilla and Petula.


And a big thanks to Kate for looking after us. I was so nervous I did not know whether I was coming or going. Then Mike said lets take another one.... Now, he is the impulsive one in the relationship so I played my usual role and said 'No, we said 3, lets take 3 this time. why did I do that?


Pole dancing sounds great fun but I think I am a bit too old for that sort of thing. I would imagine its a great way to keep fit though. I'd better not let Mike see this - he might try and get me booked in on the course - or, even worse, get himself on the course....

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You all had good weekends too by the sounds of it. 8) I have seedlings to repot which I should have done by now but I will have to try and do it during the week. I also have seeds to plant.....must get on with it!


Well done for those of you involved in rescuing and adopting ex battery hens, fingers crossed the ladies will settle into their new homes and soon forget about being all cooped up and start enjoying a bit of freedom :D


I like the idea of a butler in the buff!!!! :lol::oops::lol:


Just watched Crufts, I wanted the Terrier to win or the Flat Haired retriever :roll:

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I don't think I'd manage the pole dancing these days :(


I've been clearing piles of paperwork as on Wednesday when my son came round to do some work for us, he was complaining about having to tax his car, get it MOT'd etc. and I realised that my little Mini was 1 year old - and untaxed :oops: ......... and then Carl realised that he'd changed his car shortly after I had mine - and his was untaxed as well :oops:


We still receive post at both houses and with all the long hours of work in January, we frequently dump stuff in piles :oops: ............... I couldn't find one piece of paperwork relating to my Mini :shock:


I found it and thank goodness for online taxing!!!!


The nice bits were taking Lauren over to Claret's house for Rosie's birthday sleepover - my first visit to Claret's :D


.... and yesterday, we measured up the ground for a new polytunnel - we've missed the polytunnel since moving here.

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Well, we had a busy weekend:


Got the chores doen on Saturday, cleaned out the animals and then had to chase two reluctant bunnies round the garden to get them back in :roll: Took Rosie for her 'birthday manicure'. Checked on my elderly neighbour and fetched her shopping while we weer down the road.


Took Rosie plus 3 of her friends out for a meal for her birthday. Lesley's Lauren and Rosie were impeccably behaved and finished all their food, the same can't be said for the other two, who ate almost nothing :shock: . They went home, singing and dancing all the way, had showers and watched Open Season on DVD (not particularly good). They had a near miss with burning the kitchen down :roll: , went to bed and had their final warning about noise at 1.30am. They were all awake at 5.15am, but I ignored them until 6.30, when I got up to make them breakfast - pancakes and scrambled eggs.


Yesterday we had Rosie's dad round and I cooked her a birthday lunch while she struggled to stay awake, then we went to collect some free fencing from a friend's allotment and to play with Phil's radio controlled hovercraft in the grounds of Broughton Castle (which was flooded).


No pole dancing this time (well done Lorna) but I have done it in the past as part of a dare, complete with PVC hotpants! It's great fun, isn't it?

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