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Who's a bad egg?!!!

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Me that's who! I've been a very bad egg and a very bad Omleteer having not visited since the christmas holidays :shock:


I have been busy at work and studying for a further qualification to help with the old career progression - I am now a qualified trainer too :D


Also my sister has had a baby (a little girl) who is soooooo sweet and been causing quite a distraction :roll:


Anyway I'm back! :D


There's far too much to catch up on myself so if there's anything BIG in the way of news someone's going to have to tell me. So far I have managed to suss out that the Mark III is ready for launch and will hold about 10 girls at £450 (please correct me if I'm wrong) and that there is an official Omlet Get Together later in the year. (Is it too late to join in?)


I can't promise to be back everyday but I'm going to make a much better effort than I have over the last 3 months :wink:

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Hi Red! Lovely to see your little potato face again!


Yep: You've just about summed it up!

There's also a Devon meet planned for June if you're interested! Near to Wimbourne!


Glad to hear your news and that all is well. Don't bother with the little red arrows! My advice is to mark the whole lot as "read" and start from now! 8)

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Thanks for all the nice greetings and messages. It's lovely to be back and it turns out my return was well timed because my Doris has been very poorly all day and I'm very worried about her :( - so it's great to have the support of all you Omleteers right now. I have just checked on her and she is no better but no worse either so I'm keeping my fingers crossed overnight.


It's great to be back. Everyone seems to be doing very well. I have checked out the pictures of Stefan the Baby Omleteer - his mother must be very proud :wink: And Lesley - what can I say but Wow - how any eglus!? I thought you had a staggering collection already but it seems to have grown again!


Off to do a bit more catching up ...

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