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I used to be on it. = but my company re configured my computer and gave me vodafone 3g and I cant get on it any more as I have "to be over 18" to use it.






I dont know whether to be cross that I cant use it any more or flattered that they think I am so young :roll::lol:

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I'm nodding my head energetically and agreeing with all those of you commenting on teenagers and MSN. My 13 & 15 year olds spend hours (given 1/2 a chance) "chatting" on MSN, drives me crackers.

What really gets me though is the fact that they'll be on the computer doing their homework or revision, whatever, and have MSN open at the same time, so that they're frequently interrupted by these annoying little beeps to say that someone's messaged them. How they concentrate on school work and carry out MSN conversations I have no idea :shock:

I do know of several adults who MSN, but I'm afraid I don't, had a look at a couple of conversations, but didn't understand the abbreviations, so sadly concluded that I was probably a bit too old for it :oops::oops::roll: .

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What really gets me though is the fact that they'll be on the computer doing their homework or revision, whatever, and have MSN open at the same time, so that they're frequently interrupted by these annoying little beeps to say that someone's messaged them. How they concentrate on school work and carry out MSN conversations I have no idea :shock:



Yep - we have banned MSN during homework, not that they take much notice :?

In fact we have bought them each Laptops for their rooms (no internet access up there) & homework is to be done on those now. Expensive solution though


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i have msn (i'm 15) and i hardly ever use it, it is so boring because no-one ever has anything to say other than "hi, wot hav u bn doin", i'd rather be outside with the chickens to be honest.

p.s. this makes me sound like a grumpy old man :?


No Mat, it makes you sound mature & responsible :D

I am sure you could teach my girls a thing or two :lol:

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i have msn (i'm 15) and i hardly ever use it, it is so boring because no-one ever has anything to say other than "hi, wot hav u bn doin", i'd rather be outside with the chickens to be honest.

p.s. this makes me sound like a grumpy old man :?

No! I think most people here will be rejoicing at your post. Someone who makes up their own mind, is independent and doesn't just follow the crowd! Well done you!

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I use it as a cheap alternative to international phonecalls. It meant I could keep in touch with my friend who was in afghanistan and will soon be using it to talk to my parents when they move to Kosovo. It's also a good way of talking to or getting advise from people who you don't know well enough to speak to on the phone etc.

I remember my Dad complaining about phonebills. I suppose we can be thankful that kids now use a cheaper alternative to winge at each other about their parents

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I love it! :D

I use it at work too Em... usually to summon help when a dear child kicks off.... :roll::D:D


I have an alarm for that - thank God! :lol:


The secretary is great and usually sends me a msg 5 mins before break telling me she is making me a coffee and has raided the biscuit tin too! :D

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I use it but not very often - it's great as I can see straight away if my nephews in Canada, or my grandson in Bolton are on line. It's one way of talking to them, even though I am probably an embarrassment to them! Well, if they won't ring me, what choice do I have?? :lol:8)


My son (15) is on it most of the time and seems to have a huge list of friends, we have to share a PC at present so it's a bit of a pain. On our old system (his in the bedroom, mine in the dining room) I'd message him to ask if he wanted a cup of tea or to tell him lunch was ready. :oops::lol:

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I use it to talk to my Mum every day via a webcam. My brother bought us both webcams for Christmas to save on our phone bills :oops: . I haven't added anyone else as I do so many PMs to friends on various forums that I'd never get away from the computer if I was on MSN as well :oops::lol: !

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:shock: Spooky topic - we have just set up accounts for all - Joe has been slowly tapping ( he's only 5 ) responses to his older cousin in herts, who he could also see on the webcam. OH has ordered us a webcam - Joe was so impressed when his cousin waved in response to a typed request. Ben and Joe will learn quickly with the keyboard, and also can work out what to type back .. once they have read a message 8) . In that way its pretty good educationally ...... me, I am just about keeping up :oops: .
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All this talk about MSN and long distance chatting has got me thinking. I've got to admit I'd kind of dismissed it as a teenage thing but, I am grateful that our phone bills are manageable as my 2 chat to their m8s (just to prove I am familiar with a tiny, weeny bit of text speak :roll: ) on MSN instead of the telephone :wink:

But I've been investigating Skype for when hubby leaves me in February and we'll be needing to communicate a lot............. but can you MSNers tell me, would MSN & webcam be easier +/or better than Skype?

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Skype is BRILLIANT and has the benefit of being able to use it like a normal telephone call rather than having to type on MSN. A lot of my international uni friends use it to keep in contact with friends and family.


If you both use skype over the internet, it's free or it offers v cheap international phone calls if you only have skype at your end!


As for MSN, to get back on topic. I used to use it A LOT as a teenager which although was a pain as it meant no one could ring our house (the good old days of dial up) but at least it wasn't costing my mum a fortune in phone calls! Now we use facebook although that isn't an instant messaging service!

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