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New rescue babies!

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To coin a Kateism,


Bless their little starfish feet. :D


Emma you've done a wonderful thing again giving these chickens a happy home in their retirement years. I'll look forward to reading about their progress and seeing pictures of them as they blossom.

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Emma - you and all the other rescue mums are truly amazing people. Those poor girls. I was out shopping with one of my girlfriends today, we were having a cookathon for a family do she is going to tomorrow, and I lectured her on the evils of cheap eggs and meat etc. I'm proud to say she bought free range eggs, although free range / organic meat is still quite quite hard to get locally :x


In time I would love to be able to give a home to some rescue homes, but I worry that I would not be home enough to give them the tlc they deserve. It is definately something I intend to research a bit more though.

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Great photos. They are so lucky to have a chicken mummy like you :D


They do have very pale combs dont they? Im sure with the TLC they'll get they will be right as rain in no time.


By the way, our Sam has a huge floppy comb....always has done and she's perfectly healthy.....just floppy - dont know why though? :lol:

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How wonderful that you have rescued the hens - and that they have the summer to flourish and grown new feathers.


So looking forward to updates.

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