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Mrs Frugal

Birthday treat!

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LSH has treated me to a lovely birthday day out to Sacrewell Farm near Peterborough. It's a wonderful place. We've never been before but the boys go quite often when they are staying with their Granny and Grandad. There's a water mill, heavy horses, all manner of farm animals as well as guinea pigs, rabbits and chickens!!! Here are a few photos from today (I've managed to restrain myself from posting the 200+ that I actually took :wink: )


A Shire foal - it was so leggy and gawky!!




This little Robin teased me all the way round the farm, flying off just as I'd focused the camera on him but I got there in the end...




A family of swans. Aren't the cygnets gorgeous. I couldn't believe how close the parents brought them to us. I could have scooped them out of the water at one stage!






Sacrewell Water Mill from the edge of the millpond




Isn't she gorgeous! She grunted away at us all the time we stood watching her.




The barns and outbuildings were crammed full of old farming bygones including this marvellous cart




This little calf nearly came home with me. It let me stroke its head while it licked my sleeve. Just gorgeous!




Don't mention Christmas!




The heavy horses are enormous! I was totally dwarfed by them as I walked past. They'd come to the gate as the car had just drawn up with their food in the back!




A donkey for Annie!




A baby Canada Goose










I'm looking forward to going back again. A smashing place and quiet even with several school parties going round at the same time.

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Kate - what lovely photo's! Looks like a brilliant place. Might have to have a visit with Stefan. Good on yer LSH!


I'm feeling ever so bad, as I didn't realise it was your birthday yesterday, and you've been soooooo good sending cards to us and Stefan. Very bestest belated birthday wishes for yesterday sent with lots of love especially for you and an extra squidge from Stefan xxxxxxxxxxxxx


PS Stefan was almost a Robin. My FAVE bird :D

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Belated birthday greetings Kate. Great photos.


Just out of interest, Sacrewell was taken over by the River Nene (vegbox) people at the end of last year (although I think just took over the land - the farm centre is owned by a Trust) and they are conveting it to organic status.


Have it on my list of places to go this summer hols so its nice to hear that you had a good day out.

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Glad you had a great day out at Sacrewell Kate! We went a couple of years ago (in pre chicken days, so the lovely chooks didn't even register with me :shock: ) I do remember taking the kids on the tractor ride. It was driven by a VERY nice young man :oops::roll: who also delivered a very funny commentary all the way round the farm. Well worth a visit - must go again soon! Gina - Stefan would love it, big petting area with bunnies and guineas (if it is still there) and nice cafe.


I refuse to join the pant debate. :notalk::lol:

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