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Groovy Chick


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Hi there,

We are due to go and choose 3 chickens on Saturday and are still unsure about a few things. In fact I am a nervous wreck. I am supposed to be writing reports but I seem to be spending most of my time thinking about chickens. Please help if you can xxx


Has anyone ever varnished the roosting bars to protect them and make cleaning easier? I am thinking of coating them in clear wood varnish.


Also we would like 3 chickens but I am worried about space in the eglu at night. We have the extension to the run for the day and at weekends they will be able to play in the extra netting.


Has anyone got any last minute tips?


Eglu(orange) arrived and we all love it!





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Hi Groovy Chick,


Last minute nerves are allowed you know. Don't worry, your run converter plus extension is loads of room. I've got 4 hybrids (medium sized) in my run plus converter for when I'm out and free ranging in my garden when I'm not. When I look in the egg port at night to check on my 4, they are snuggled up together in a corner and in the nest box, and there is still spare room inside.


Last minute tips - spare roosting bars are a nice thing to have as it makes life easier, rubber gloves and dedicated eglu cleaning bucket. Other tips, none - just ask on this forum and enjoy them when they arrive. You'll soon get the hang of it. Good luck choosing chickens on Saturday. It's fun choosing. Choosing with your head (for breed, egg laying etc) is good but my kids just ended up saying "I want that white one" and it was a done deal. Keep us posted.

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There is plenty of room in the Eglu for three hens, Groovy Chick.


I have four in each of mine and they all snuggle up together in a heap at night, so there would be room for more!.


A spare set of roosting bars is a good idea, and as Bronze says people have used Plastidip on their bars. I think varnish would soon wear off, because of the talons.


In either case, do it well in advance and leave in a well ventilated area until the fumes have dies down before you put them near the hens.


I once tried Plasticote Spray on my bars......it was less than useless.....and gave me asthma!....Not a successful experiment.


Don't worry too much.....you'll be fine and feel free to ask any questions on the forum.....that is how most of us learnt.


Good luck on Saturday.




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We have our girls for about 3 weeks, here is a few tips that I can think of:


Clean the Eglu out once a day for the first week, until the girls digestive system has calmed down !


Move the run every Two days if your lawn has been cut short and has a lot of moss in it like mine.


Water down the grass in the run when the girls are locked in. This will help to disperse some the 'plops' and help the lawn recover.


So easy on the treats !!! too much corn and the 'plops' get messy ! :shock:


Make sure theres enough shelter from the sun/rain if your not at home during the day. The long run cover is good but check where the sun casts a shadow at the hottest time of the day.


Dont put too much food in the Grub because they will throw it out whilst they are eating.


DONT put sandals on and feed them corn at the same time !!!


But they are really easy to keep. I was very nervous before they arrived and I was very nervous when we let them out after 5 days but they are great and deffinatly have there own personalities.


I hope this helps

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DONT put sandals on and feed them corn at the same time !!!




Don't worry Groovy Chick!


you will be fine.


3 in the eglu and run (with convertor) is loads of room. My 3 are ok with it but do free range when i'm home. (Am cabin crew, so away 2-3 nights per week, they are fine in the eglu and run).


get a chair, camera and mug of tea and sit back and enjoy! (umbrella at the ready)


Any questions just ask!


Have fun. :D

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There is plenty of room in the Eglu for three hens, Groovy Chick.


I have four in each of mine and they all snuggle up together in a heap at night, so there would be room for more!.


A spare set of roosting bars is a good idea, and as Bronze says people have used Plastidip on their bars. I think varnish would soon wear off, because of the talons.


Don't fret - I have had 6 hens in an Eglu at night, & they are fine :P

I would recommend Platidip to anyone - mine are now a doddle to clean & look nicer too.

Try not to worry, although I know its hard. I tore myself to pieces before my hens arrived, but it will all be fine,you will see.



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I paint my roosting bars with veg oil - twice when they are new and then after each power wash just a quick brush of oil.


I think it makes the poo come off easier and protects the wood a little - but it might just be in my imagination :shock::shock::shock:

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[i]Thanks for all ther advice[/b][/i]. We went to choose the Rock chicks on Saturday and we are all totally hooked. They are called Madonna - a Snowhite, Kylie - a Red rocket and Britney - a Black rock. They get on fabulously and have settled very well.


In the end we didn't coat the bars with anything so hope they will be ok when i wash them this weekend. They have trashed the grass but it is a small price to pay. Will try and move the eglu and run when i have my big clean.

I will add photos when I have worked out how to do it.


I still haven't finished my reports as my time is now chicken time!!!!


Thanks again for all good will and advice. xxx



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Are your reports finished now?


I moved my lap top into the dining room so i could see the hens when I wrote my reports. A v refreshing change from looking at a computer screen.


We've had our hens a few weeks now and i wish we'd bought 4 now. Iwant a Sussex . . . . .

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