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Mrs Blue Sky

My big news!

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I am SOOOOO jealous! :mrgreen: Every so often I check out the estate agents websites and look at where I would like to live (house porn!) I would LOVE to do what you're doing. We've talked about it but there's always something in the way. Good for you for doing it, please give us a blog or something so I can get a virtual smallholding fix!!


Good luck, SOOOO jealous.


Mrs Bertie

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Sometimes you have to throw everything you've got at it and hope it sticks Mrs.B :lol:


We never thought when we found our 8 acres last year that we'd spend 14 months with a bridging loan, trying to sell our house. We often wondered if we'd done the right thing. Now, two weeks after eventually selling our house, we know we did, but it was a big risk.


Try Farmers Weekly for land agents - some of the houses with a couple of acres are reasonable prices - I was very surprised - I only looked after we found this place, I would have looked earlier had I known.

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Thanks all, that's lovely of you, I am feeling super brave now! Lots of questions to answer - OK we will be near Honiton, and near Lyme Regis, about four miles from the sea. There isn't room for B&B yet, but with so many outbuildings/barns etc I don't rule it out in the future - special rates for eglu owners naturally - actually I don't know if I can be consistently nice enough for B&B certainly not nice EVERY morning, maybe self catering is where it's at - you hurl a carton of milk and the keys and say don't come knocking on my door matey unless you're holding the money - or is that too London? We will have many many hens I hope - there is a henhouse, but the eglu will still come in handy for isolation purposes. We are moving on 14th August so I am madly ebaying, freecycling and dumping things that I don't fancy packing or living with anymore. It still doesn't seem quite real. I expect it will get real very soon though. I don't know if it is brave or stupid, I hope very much that it isn't too stupid. I'm known for having Big Ideas which don't quite work out in practise and this is my biggest yet...


So fingers crossed! I'll post some pictures when we're there, and when I work out how to do it. I don't suppose I'll get much actual smallholding done for a while anyway as I'll be helping mum and dad and the children to settle in and find routines and get about to schools/church/hobby stuff for ages, and then it will be winter, and so I'll take it all easy and not rush into anything too ambitious. I expect OH will charge headlong into some major mischief though, and will get his beard caught in the harrowing thing or some such.


Anyone travelling west and wanting a cup of tea is very welcome!

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Chelsea I just pm'd you.


Clare I could really scandalise the neighbours and have an Omlet cake festival! Date and walnut for me please. No coffee cakes allowed or I will run them over with my tractor.


I dont appear to have received it?....wonder where in cyberspace it went?! :think:

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Heather - I do hope you're practising saying "NO!" ?


We intended to start slowly and take our time reading books on different livestock................. you probably know the rest? :roll:


Every time we went to collect one sort of livestock, we came back with others. "One broody hen? - oh, and have my 6 Shetland sheep as well!" :lol: "A blue egg laying hen? - no problem, now while you're here, how about two Dexter heifers?"


We went to collect a nucleus of bees a few weeks ago - and have to go back to collect 2 goslings who needed a new home :roll::wink:

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OK here we go! Tuesday is moving day! We are packing up the vans tomorrow, then kip on the floor Monday night, up and at 'em bright and early and we're off! We won't have internet access until the 24th, and maybe not even a phone till then as the previous occupant used Talktalk and BT say they can't get the line back for 12 days :roll: sounds like typical BT numpty nonsense to me but there you go...


Anyway I don't care about phones or internet access, all I care about is MOVING!!!


Photos hopefully to come.

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