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19 weeks til Christmas WOW. :shock:


I've been thinking about Chrsitmas since July. :oops: But with 3 children and my DD's Birthday on Christmas Eve I've got a lot to think about. :shock:



Mrs Bertie wrote: Hillfamily, the Alternative Gift Catalogue is a good one, I've asked for stuff from there


That's a great idea. :lol:

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As a gardener, I need to be thinking of Christmas all the time!


I was once told "A good gardener is one who can supply his wife with fresh vegetables on Christmas Morning."


I've just ordered potatoes ready for Christmas cropping, the red cabbage is coming on well, sprouts are doing well, cauliflowers are doing well!





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...so you just need a wife then? :shock::wink:


I was just going to say the same thing Lesley :roll:


Tracey, in lots of respects Martin is mature for a lad of his age. If he was my son, I'd be proud of what he is doing. I can just see him, aged 30, sitting in a deckchair in his allotment, hanky on his head, cuppa in hand.... surveying his lot.....


I'm glad the he's doing something useful rather than mugging grannies and going on drunken brawls - I think his Mum is too. :wink:

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That reminds me........I need to plant my hyacinths in the dark ready for Christmas!


Talking of which ( :wink: ) I made a entry on my blog about Christmas a few weeks ago! Loads of people have left comments/pms about how much they enjoyed it! :shock::lol: I thought they'd all be :roll: at the thought of mentioning it soooo early! Clearly i'm not the only one obsessed with it!

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How as poultry lovers can we look forward to christmas??? what about the poor turkeys.... i ecpect they arent looking forward to christmas at all!!


and then theres all the trees that need to be cut down...


... :( im really depressing everyone sorry... :oops: but cant christmas wait for a few more months???


...if we dont make it wait then i'm going to miss my birthday... and that IS a depressing thought!! :):):):):wink:

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I haven't even started to think about Christmas...I've just had my sister's birthday, then it's my birthday, then it's Mum's birthday, then it's Dad's birthday.


THEN I think about Christmas!!! :lol:


At the minute I'm to busy revamping my website...WARNING don't ever think that it's a good idea on a dial-up computer...it takes forever!

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I've just read this entire thread from start to finish, and the only thing I can think to say is....................... Aaaaaaargh :shock::lol::lol::lol:


I'm not sure whether to admire you keen ones who are so organised and excited about it................. or whether to write you all off as mad :shock:


I'm off to bury my head in my hands and think summery, happy thoughts with not a carol, gift nor sprout occupying any part in those thoughts :D:D

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My apples, which are usually ready at the end of September, look ready now. I should pick them before the birds and wasps devour them all. Not a job I enjoy really :roll: It's so frustrating when you can't reach them and ladders don't seem to be a great deal of help!

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My apples, which are usually ready at the end of September, look ready now. I should pick them before the birds and wasps devour them all. Not a job I enjoy really :roll: It's so frustrating when you can't reach them and ladders don't seem to be a great deal of help!


We never do apple picking, unless you count picking them up off the floor, once they've fallen off! Then we just compost the rotten ones-mind you we don't want too many apples-they're Spartans and quite sour! :?:roll:

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