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The Dogmother

The Restaurant

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I hope the american girl goes....I hated her Minnie Mouse voice and the fact that her husband fannied about putting a drum kit together when he should have been getting on with the task in hand annoyed me beyond belief.


As soon as she came on, I said to Phil that I could see myself strangling her. :evil:


That drum kit thing is the sort of thing that Phil would try. I say TRY, because I'd have his guts for garters if he ever did that.

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II hope the american girl goes....I hated her Minnie Mouse voice and the fact that her husband fannied about putting a drum kit together when he should have been getting on with the task in hand annoyed me beyond belief.


I find myself physically recoiling every time she appears. That pair beggar belief. I have a feeling it might simply be a publicity stunt for them so they can get some more fame as an actress and a jazz musician. When they went before the board it appeared Raymond (mmmm.... that voice :oops::D ) was was trying hard not to laugh at her when she said why she had named it the Ostrich. and then last night I think she thought she was going for Miss World when she said about people leaving her restaurant happy was giving something back to the world (or words to that squeak, I mean effect) :shock:


I saw you too Clare - poor you being in the trailer every episode :lol: You are obviously very camera-genic!

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I only watched it to see Clare ... missed you both times Dear :roll:

But I'm getting into it now! :shock: Although Minnie Mouse is very annoying, the right couple definitely got chucked out! Their customer service was appalling! I felt so sorry for the poor woman (Denise?) that had to hold her function there. And when they told Raymond that she was happy! She certainly didn't look happy to me! :shock:

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:P Clare - I saw you and Phil, Rosie and Lauren :P . Table No 9 with bright green tumblers for the girls. What did you eat in the end - and was it any good :wink:


When we eventually got the food, I think we ended up having to wait 1.5 hours, and I had to ask for free drinks - they weren't offered. It was utter pants; their brief was to supply a nutritious and cost effective meal and entertainment for children... well, the selection for children was rubbish and far too small. It looked like it had been bought from the supermarket and defrosted, Phil and I ended up giving the girls half of our meals too as they were starving. Both Rosie and Lauren are good eaters and not at all fussy, they're both used to eating the same as adults, so we were on to a no-brainer really. The couple at the next table had two smaller children and had to wait 2 hours for their food.... how hard is it to get spag bol and pizza on the table in time???


I got the distinct feeling that they'd been set up, but having said that, I wouldn't have put either of them in charge of an empty paper bag, let alone a restaurant!


I had to turn it off last night - that minnie mouse girl is terrible and her OH needs a rocket :twisted:


There was a lot of stage management on behalf of the BBC - they asked lots of leading questions and wanted certain replies - I was determined to be fair and frank, but I expect that they've edited it to show what suits them *shrugs*

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:wink: Nah - that was the same bloke Lesley - totally ignoring the brief and giving the customer what he/she wanted.


I got the impression after the 1st show, that it was all a bit too much for him, and he was just going along with it ..... hardly struck me as "hungry" for success .. pardon the pun :wink::lol: .


No wonder Lauren looked so hacked off - poor girl was Hank Marvin :roll:

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I'm just amazed that anyone would have to be told to clean a toilet....and by the client too: :shock:



She also had to tell them to clean fingermarks off the dirty windows. :roll:


This occasion was to showcase their talents for goodness sake and they didn't have a clue.


I suppose it would not have made good television though if everything had gone swimmingly. :?

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