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Bantam Cockerel

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They may not be as loud as some of the LF, but they have a shriller sound which is equally irritating at 4am.  I'd think very carefully indeed if I were you, cockerals and neighbours just don't mix very well and the law will nearly always come down in the neighbour's favour.  Having said that, I know some people put their bird in a box (obviously with plenty of air holes) somewhere safe like a shed/garage but that will only work if it is sufficiently far away/soundproofed, and its quite a chore to do every night, and depending on the bird, not that easy to accomplish.

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It xD

Seriously though, as with all birds, some are quieter than others. Size has very little bearing on the amount of noise they make though - I know of a teeny Dutch cock who is ear-splittingly loud. Some cocks only crow at each end of the day, most crow on and off all day. Neither you, nor your neighbours will be too happy about that - imagine if it was a dog barking..



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I’ve hatched bantams this year and so for the first time have cockerels. I’m also surrounded by neighbours. I would echo DM. If you are at all concerned that ‘normal’ cockerel noise would be a nuisance to them, don’t get one, it’s not fair.

Luckily I have homes for my boys to go to, but they’re having to leave sooner than I’d hoped. The boys are now 12 weeks old and started crowing about 2 weeks ago. The Wyandotte has already gone off to his new home as he was pretty loud (and rubbish - ‘cock-errrrr’ than cock-a-doodle-do 😂) and now he’s gone the pekin boys have picked up the baton. I need to keep them as long as I can as they’re going to live with ex batts so I’d like them to be a bit tougher than they are now, and to be fair they’re not overly loud and they only crow when they wake up, but at the morning that’s for half an hour at 7 o clock which as it’s the summer holidays I should imagine isn’t to popular! They’re lovely little chaps and I’ll be sorry to see them go, but I always knew they’d have to.

There’s a slim chance you could get a quiet one, but it’s very unlikely.




Edited by mullethunter
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I've just lost my cockerel this year, a bantam silkie so a very small bird. Noise level wasn't much below that of a full sized bird, although his cock a doodle doo sounded like an old car horn. If you have close neighbours then expect a bit of friction, you may end up with a bird who likes the sound of his own voice.

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