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Laura & CTB

It's very quiet round here......

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One and only child DS went off to univeristy yesterday to start his maths degree course and I'm missing him already....... where has all the loud music gone? The electric guitar practising? The endless sounds of another text message coming through on his phone?


I was worried about leaving him all alone ( :roll: ) then he rang me today to say that he is sharing a house with 3 other girls, he fixed one of their computers and subsequently they cooked him dinner :roll::roll: and he cant talk any longer cos he's off on a pub crawl :roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:


Whad I do??????????

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Breaks your heart when they go off to Uni. You feel all bereft and useless. I remember coming home after delivering my daughter into the care of the University of Nottingham and not knowing what there was left to do with my life. So much worse than when they start school as you don't get to collect them at 3pm. :(


Although I must say that the very worst time was in her gap year between college and Uni. Taking her to the airport first stop for her was China. Waving to her as she went through the departure gate was the most distressing time I can remember and I had to hold it together until she couldn't see me anymore.



Tsk who'd be a parent eh :)

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DD1 went on Thursday Laura (same age) and I feel quite miserable too. But she is having a great time. Went to bed at 3:30am on Friday night and rang me today saying she had just got up - 2pm. :shock::shock: I hope she gets sensible soon as she's singing this week!

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Just enjoy the time to yourself, till he comes home with a huge pile of washing!



Oh you wouldn't believe - he has all the mod cons - washing machine & tumble drier - think I'll send MY stuff down to him!!!


Believe me, it will still come home. Either he won't have the time to do it (too busy socialising) or the machines will be broken and he won't have the time/inclination to fix them.


Our son did an engineering degree first, then a masters in computery stuff. When he came home and her indoors asked him to fix the washing machine (reasonable request for an engineer?) his reply was that he hadn't done the washing machine module in his degree yet, so sorry but ... Dad will have to do it!

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Far, far better to go away, I think. I just cannot imagine university life if you have to go home to your parents every night.


No 'back to mine for coffee' at 3:30am, no walking home at 5am and wondering whether to get up for breakfast at 8am. 'twould be very strange indeed!


My DD1 is having a great time already :shock: I hope she can still sing tomorrow!

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Going away from home makes them appreciate just what they've had, too.


When my son used to come home the first thing he would do was stand in the hall and inhale deeply. He used to say that it wasn't until he left home that he realised how he liked the smell of home....because the house smelt of nothing but clean smoke free air, whereas his student house ...well...words fail me.

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