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Eglu and 3 chickens arriving tomorrow

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I am really excited (although a little nervous) because my eglu and chickens arrive tomorrow. We have never had chickens before although we have had lots of other pets over the years. Currently we have 2 elderly westies, Holly & Jack (14 & 15 years old) and 3 persian cats, also well past middle age. I'm hoping they will all get on with the chickens.


I would just like to say thanks to everyone on the forum because I have learned such a lot over the last few weeks from reading all the messages and advice on the forum. I think it is fantastic how everyone is so helpful and supportive.



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Good luck for tomorrow! Chickens make fantastic pets - endlessly rewarding.

Don't be disappointed if they disappear into their house and stay there for a couple of days. They will soon find their feet and venture a little further each day. I know you'll love them.

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Hi everyone, So happy today, my chickens have arrived at last and they are fantastic. I'm surprised at how calm they were when they arrived and how well they have taken to their new home. They have been eating out of my hand through the run wire and have taken themselves off to bed without any trouble at all.


I have decided to call the two gingernuts Rosie and Maisie, and the Miss Pepperpot has been called Charlotte by my grand daughter and I must say that it suits her because she seems a little bit haughty as she struts her stuff.


My dog Jack has really taken to them and has spent the afternoon lying by the run, shooing away the cats if they dare to get to near to his new friends. My OH is totally enthralled with them and we have spent most of the day either outside with the chickens or watching them through the kitchen window. I can't wait till I can let them free range in the garden.


I have a lovely feeling that this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.


Thanks everyone for your good wishes and I look forward to reading everyones postings in the future.



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