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Guest Poet

if you don't agree with banning battery farms in the UK...

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please sign this EU petition instead or as well as...




some people voiced objections to signing a petition I posted about banning battery farms specifically in the UK because of imports flooding the market- well, this petition is an EU wide ban.


I do hope everyone will sign.



an interesting web link http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6662363202&ref=mf

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Hi everyone...

As you know, some people, me included, weren't keen on signing the UK petition for a number of reasons... Having seen this one about a EU ban brought to our attention by Poet, I decided to do a bit of research and reading up before deciding whether or not to sign, and just wanted to share this link with everybody : (don't worry Poet, it supports the EU ban :) )




If anyone would like to read more about the consequences or what points to consider when thinking of the ban, this explains things rather well... I'm still a bit hesitant, because according to that report the ban will only be a success if :

- people are willing to pay a little more for eggs

- the government helps the farmers bear the cost of transitting to barn or free range

- measures are put in place to legally limit the possibility of cheap egg imports from places such as Brasil and Thailand, for instance by not allowing import of eggs not produced in similar welfare conditions as in the EU...


Now these all show a lot of faith in people and in the government, and I wouldn't blame farmers for being a bit nervous at the prospect on having to rely on those things to be able to stay in business... but... something has to be done for the hens, and hopefully when it is done, if it is done well and considering all those things, then everyone will benefit... I didn't know the ban was planned for 2012, it was nice finding some websites with information on what is going on...



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hi guys, i'm really glad so many have signed but I'm stepping back from this for a while as I have heart problem and just need to keep myself calm for a bit, I'm wearing a 24 hour monitor at the moment so bear with me and I'll be back harrassing you all very soon ;)


In the meantime pls pass on the link as I know you will.



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hi guys, i'm really glad so many have signed but I'm stepping back from this for a while as I have heart problem and just need to keep myself calm for a bit, I'm wearing a 24 hour monitor at the moment so bear with me and I'll be back harrassing you all very soon ;)


In the meantime pls pass on the link as I know you will.




Poet, you are doing a great job and I love your enthusiasm, but you really don't need to harrass us - you are preaching to the converted!!! :lol::wink:


Just get your blood pressure sorted out girl! 8)8)

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My children have been becoming more aware and sending me links to one of the petitions or another to sign. I'm not even sure how many we have all put our names to!


2012 seems such a long time for the hens that are still in the battery system. Also, I'm not sure about how much space the hens are given even in barn and free-range conditions. It seems to me that the only way to really be sure about living conditions, apart from being able to buy eggs from a local source that are known to be hot on welfare, is having our own hens.


Thank you for the links including at the beginning of this thread.

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