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Guest chookiehen

Sad News

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I've thought a long time before posting this, and I'm still not sure if I should, but sadly, on Wednesday at my first scan, we discovered that the baby had stopped growing at 5 weeks, and so am no longer pregnant.


Despite the fact that I have spent the last couple of months with my head down the loo, things had probably stopped developing before I had even found out I was pregnant, but due to very high levels of the pregnancy hormones, my body maintained the pregnancy for quite a long time before we discovered anything was wrong.


Sorry for the depressing news.

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Hi Shona,


Desperately sorry to hear your sad news. A similar thing happened to my wife a couple of years ago, so I can imagine what you're going through. Really sorry. :(

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Oh Shona i am so sorry to hear the news i can really sympathise with you i have had the same thing happen to me 5 times it isn't nice and I really do feel for you...........If the baby wasn't developing properly it wasn't meant to be, this was the only way i could cope with the disappointment.....Massive cyber hugs coming to you and yours.

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Shona, I am so sorry.

The same thing happened to me about 4 years ago, & although the baby was not planned, it was still a horrible shock & I was devestated.


2 thing helped - My friedns who were a huge suppert & the fact that I believe in fate. That baby was just not meant to be, & thinking that made it easier for me to cope with.

You may not feel the same, but I hope that you find a way of dealing with your loss.


Are you going in for an ERPC or something similar soon.

I hope that they don't keep you waiting for it too long.



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Shona, I'm so sorry. It seems to have happened to so many of us, but I don't know if that helps much! I do understand the emptiness you're left with - getting over the shock of expecting a 4th child, then getting excited and planning the future only to find it's not going to happen after all. There's such a lot for you to deal with. I can only say again how sorry I am and please take care of yourself - don't push yourself too hard or expect too much. :(:(:(

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Many thanks for all your support - it's been a rough couple of months up here, and you have all provided a great deal of support which is much appreciated.


I feel a bit better today - I think I am coming to terms with everything, and I am in the lucky position of already having 3 beautiful children and a supportive husband and family.


Although it hadn't been planned, we had really started to look forward to another baby, so have been discussing whether we should try for another one, or just leave our family as is.


Hopefully life is on the up now, and surely a large win on the lottery is on the cards after all our bad luck?!

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