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Eggs as presents (again!)

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A colleague of mine is leaving work for a new company today. Yesterday when I was in work I wanted to give her a present, so I took her 4 eggs in.

To be honest I wasn't too sure what her reaction would be, as she works in a different room to me & we don't really get chance to chat. She was delighted with them, especially the fact that on two of them I had written the chicken's name who had laid the egg as I knew! Shw was loathe to eat them as they were so special! (and wanted to know if I live on a farm). She showed them to some work people who were equally as fascinated.

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I have given out eggs to:

the physiotherapist (well, I'd mentioned I kept chickens - of course! and she said her daughters want an Eglu)

the chiropodist, I've been seeing her for years and she's like a friend

My Alexander Technique teacher (ditto)

my aromatherapy massage lady (hate the word masseuse)

work colleagues

random visitors to the house


and of course to my many friends, in fact I can't satisfy demand at the moment!


I think it's a lovely - and unusual - gift, and it helps spread the word about battery v free-range. Without exception, the response next time I see them has been 'wow - they tasted so different to the ones I buy'.


It's mainly because I can't stop myself from telling people that I have chickens!

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Same here, yesterday chatting in the road with my next door but one neighbour who we hardly ever see to talk to, he asked if anyone near us had hens as he was sure he'd heard clucking! :lol: So I took him round some eggs later and he and his OH were thrilled to bits! The chap next to him in the summer used to send us round whatever he had a glut of, runner beands, cherry tomatoes, and I used to send the children back with eggs or sometimes a cake. It was lovely as he's an Italian chap who lives alone and keeps to himself he just turned up one day out of the blue with these veggies. When he went back to Italy he came back with a box of little Italian cakes for the children. It's amazing what home grown stuff can do - even break the ice with the shyest neighbours! :):D


Mrs B

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I give them to my girlfriends when we meet for lunches, & also as extra gifts on birthdays.

Also to people who drop my children home after they have been out with friends.


My window cleaner always buys a box, & I sometimes give them to the chaps working for us if I have a glut (ie- not this time of year!)

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everybody gets them!


the doctor

the vet (regularly)

the lovely lady who waxes my eyebrows!

the electrician

everybody who crosses the threshhold

the lady at the woodyard who gave me some free wood to do some extra bits on the hutches

all my friends who visit and who I visit

people at work



the hygenist

the wonderful lady at April Lodge Guinea Pig rescue for everything she has done for me


In Fact it is rare for me to go somewhere without eggs under my arm


Sometimes I forget that pople don't actually know that I have got chickens and am confused by the puzzled look they give me when they come in and I ask them if they want some eggs ....

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Olly wrote:


I did consider giving some to the dentist, but not when I found out how much the work is going to cost me!


Scary isn't the cost of dental work :( I could have bought a couple of cubes and 10 hens for the cost of mine :(:( I seem to measure everything in chicken costs these days :) I am a VERY nervous patient and my dentist is so lovely, that I felt he deserved a pressie :roll:



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