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Ecover & other green products - do they work?

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I've used Ecover products for a couple of years. On the whole they are a good eco alternative. I use the clothes wahing tablets and the dishwasher tablets at the minute but I have used more or less all of the range.

Saying that I have recently changed to Bio D and find it is a better product performance and fragrance wise but is a real pain to find. I'm not organised enough to mail order in advance and my local supplier that has a good range is about 25 miles away!

So if you can find it easily go for Bio D but Ecover is a good supermarket purchase.

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I quite like the washing up liquid but am inclined to agree with Christian about it not being much cop on very greasy items.


Him Indoors keeps buying Fairy Liquid as he doesn't rate it at all. :roll:


The household cleaning products are ok.


Didn't rate the dishwasher tablets and they are a silly price.


The washing powder is OK but things do start to go grey.


No good at all on football kit and dirty plumbers work clothes.

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We use most of them and don't have any problems. I add Vanish powder to any white wash and occasionally use a dose of Bold instead.


The dishwasher tabs seem OK to us. The toilet cleaner is fine, as is the hand soap. I wish they would do refill bottles of the hand soap - it was annoying to have to buy the whole package each time until I found the 5 litre containers.

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I use quite a few of them, but not the lot; the toilet cleaner smells divine and I use it for cleaning the whole of the bathroom and most other places too. The washing up liquid is hopeless, so I use Bio D for that and the multi-surface cleaner too. I don't like ecover handwash either - it contains SLS (which surprises me) and brings out the eczema on my hands, so I use all Faith in Nature toiletries..


Phil uses Ecover dishwasher tablets and says that they are OK, but not brilliant.


I also use their limescale remover, which is good.


I think that a lot of people use Ecover mainly because it was one of the first environmental cleaning companies around, but other brands are now on the market and some of them perform better.

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Perhaps I ought to look for another handwash then - Ecover is drying but I use handcream after washing my hands so perhaps I haven't noticed too much :?


Christian - I get the 5l container from Goodness Direct - I'll have a look to see if they do any other ones in bulk.... without SLS as well hopefully.

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I love the smell of the washing up liquid and use it all the time and a bottle seems to last for ages. I dont use it on greasy things as EVERYTHING i own goes in the dishwasher! :lol::lol:


I also use the dishwasher tablets, they arent much dearer than the "finish" brand and I find they work just as well.

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I use the Tesco Naturally washing up liquid and the Naturally delicates wash liquid both are very good.


For the kitchen and bathrooms I use Bath Power and Kitchen Power, they are brilliant. Even OH likes them and he loves his chemicals :roll:


I have yet to find an automatic wash powder or liquid that I am happy with.

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I use dishwasher and washing-powder tablets, and I find they are ok; but I do agree about the washing-up liquid however I'm like Chelsea, everything possible goes in the dishwasher! Also, I rarely have really dirty clothes to wash.


This is a really useful thread, and having read the above, I may try the Ecover toilet cleaner; I too want to be greener in 2008.


I had a Good Housekeeping subscription last year, and one month they reviewed 'green' products - I meant to keep it and forgot :evil: but I know they covered some 'own brand' ones as well as Ecover. Anyone else subscribe to it and has a copy?

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We use the toilet cleaner and find it as good as the supermarket version that we used before.


We also use the dishwasher tablets and, again, find them no worse than the Finish powder that we were using before. We'll be trying the rinse aid once the other stuff runs out.


Haven't tried the washing up liquid on dishes (we use it to clean the Eglu though!) so will try that next. Have tried Asda's own green washing up liquid and that works fine - just can't be bought in 5l refills :)


We're going to try the washing liquid, hand wash and shower gel next (am surprised that they contain SLS though) I know someone (Lesley?) said they add a scoop of Vanish to the wash - Ecover do a laundry bleach which they recommend adding to whites.



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Well, I have just ordered £20 worth of Faith in Nature products as we both suffer from dry/sensitive skin and I'm keen to get away from SLS (which I thought Ecover didn't contain!)


Will be off to my local Tesco to buy some more Ecover stuff (they seem to stock the fullest range) and see how we get on with those. If they're OK then we'll be buying the 5l containers of those too!



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a friend of mine runs a claning company using environmentally friendly products, she origionally used all Ecover, but has changed them all to Bio D now as she said they are a lot better working and nicer smelling.


I use the Asda and Anthony Worral Thompson blokes versions

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Rob, the Faith in Nature ylang ylang flavoured shower gel is lovely and we sue their shampoos too. My skin and scalp is far less irritable now.


Let me know how you get on.


I didn't realise that their shampoos were bad enough to require litigation :wink:


I'll let you know how we get on once the delivery has arrived - can't wait now!



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