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sweet idea

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What do you do with the Quality Street, Roses or Celebrations that are left in the tin that "Ooops, word censored!"ody in the family likes?

Anybody want to swop?

or any good recipes?

I have got


coconut eclair

toffee delux

toffee penny

milk choc block


brazilian darkness

praline moment




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it's usually the hard toffee ones that get left in our house but they get eaten eventually, once there's nothing else left (sweet-wise) in the house.


When I have a desperate need for something sugary moment, then I reach for that toffee penny so callously overlooked previously ;)


Could you make toffee vodka with them? My friend made toffee vodka by putting some werthers originals in some vodka and letting them dissolve. Maybe it would work with toffee penny sweets???

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I'd be tempted to have a go at that ice cream pudding of Nigellas. Chop them up and mix into 2l of vanilla ice cream. Tip into a cake tin lined with cling film and re-freeze. To serve, tip out and drizzle with warm maple syrup 8)

brilliant! I'll call it Snowy pudding... :lol:

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The only chocolates I can never eat are coffee flavoured chocolates. They make me physically ill, they go in the bin I'm afraid :roll:


Does anyone actually like coffee flavoured chocolate?

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The only chocolates I can never eat are coffee flavoured chocolates. They make me physically ill, they go in the bin I'm afraid :roll:


Does anyone actually like coffee flavoured chocolate?


Yes, my OH! :lol: He loves em! And I love everything else :oops:


Means we never have any chocs left in our house though :roll:

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Sounds like we should swap left over sweets Maria, no-one in our house likes soft centres, so it's only the toffee ones that get eaten. We're very wasteful with sweets I'm afraid, I don't buy them because I anticipate the waste, and then we get given them as gifts :shock: . Usually the children will end up eating the fudge and cocunut ones in desperation, the orange, strawberry and coffee creams all end up in the bin :shock:

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For the first time this year "Ooops, word censored!"ody gave me Roses, Quality Street, Celebrations etc (kids love to give teachers choccies!)


They ALL gave me THORNTONS!!!




Mum and James have enjoyed them all though.

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This thread is so funny....because...We were given a huge tin of 'Roses' but it came without a 'pattern' :(:( and as we don't normally eat sweets "Ooops, word censored!"ody has any idea what the different ones are :roll: I was considering asking you all if someone could tell me which were the coffee and orange ones yum and which were the strawberry and cherry ones yuk :twisted: Neither of us eats the hard toffee ones because we have both recently had mega £££dental work, so toffee is a no no. Shame chickens can't have sweets :shock:



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Well, I don't drink alcohol and hardly ever eat chocolate - my kitchen contains...

1 box of After Eights

1 box of Ferrero Rocher

1 box of G&B selection

1 box of Bendicks

1 chocolate orange

1 box austrian chocolate biscuits


2 bottle of organic Perry

3 bottles of organic cider

3 bottles of red wine (well, 2.5 as I used half in the cooking)

2 bottles of red wine

Half a bottle of Phil's Raspberry vodka (very nice with lemonade I am told)

1 bottle of Paddy's punch


Now, where did it all come from????? I daren't give it all to Phil in case he goes on a binge at his house! :roll:

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