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Wonderful old photo

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I was digging through a box of old photos of my Mums that are now in my house,& I came across this wonderful photo of my Grandmum helping a farmer in the fields.

My Great Grandad was a royal photographer (I have a stack of photos of Prince Phillp playing Polo in his youth) & was keen on photographing his daughters in the countryside.

My grandmum had deep red hair at the time & was considered somewhat of a beauty 8)




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She certainly was stunning. That's a beautiful photograph and something to treasure.


My Grandad was a keen amateur from the 30s onwards, apparently he won a few competitions in his time. We too have a stack of photographs of family members and numerous landscapes, especially of the Lakes which were his favourite subject. They are a lovely thing to have and are on display in my parents' house.


We also had a copy made of an old family photograph, of my great-grandma and her siblings and parents. It's a classic Victorian middle-class family portrait. What is shocking is that I look exactly lke her, we are so alike that it could be a modern mock-up! We also have almost identical photos of my Dad aged three and YS aged three, who are very alike.


Dad has started researching his family tree this year and has been able to put names to some of the previously unknown faces in these old portraits - I'm always pleased that they aren't forgotten!

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just like to add that my grandad was a right "point and shoot" guy, long before cameras would let you do that. We have a load of old photos which are dreadful but great fun, as you try to decide who all the headless people are from the clothes they are wearing etc. :lol:

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Ah. Of course. However did they manage - I can't imagine doing chicken jobs without my trusty boiler suit and walking boots. Crocs have not yet reached our house but chickenalia is accumulating fast, so it's only a matter of time!



In my house, B.C. means 'before children' - a time vaguely recalled by OH and myself, through a hazy fog, which DSs do not accept could ever have been real.

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Maybe it has set the president for us all when cleaning out our Eglu's! Omlet should use it in their advertising. A lovely photo Sarah. A piece of history. I love going through my Mum's old photo's of her grandparents. I only wished my grandparents were still here to tell me more about them.

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