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Anyone tried MBT's?

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Has anyone else on here invested in a pair of MBT's? I thought about it last year when I went to NYC but they wern't cheap there. Since then I've thought about it a few times but talked myself out of it due to the high price. With my current back problems I've had it suggested by more and more people that my posture is now wrong (including the Dr). Then I saw supersize Vs Superskinny and the results that they got on the womens behinds. So I took the plunge and invested in a pair.


I do find they make me walk nicely, and it feels good. As expected (because the lady in the shop told me) I now have slightly achy shoulders and I could feel the muscle pull on the back of my legs after walking all around Upminster (note to RevNev - cut the overhainging roses a little bit more James had to get off the wall to get round one!!).


I also found that having worn them all afternoon that driving home was not as painful as it has been of late - I could still feel an ache in my back BUT it wasn't as painfull as I've found it before.


For anyone who hasn't come across them here's a linky to the website. http://www.swissmasai.co.uk/


For anyone who is wondering what I'm banging on about regarding my posture - here is a recent picture of me - I'm currently 1 pound short of losing SIX AND A HALF STONE!!!



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Thank you - I'm aiming to lose about another 4 stone, the clothes I'm wearing there are 16 and 18 so I'm still quite large.


For the first time since I was about 13 I wan't to be a size 12.


Underneath I look awful though - they reckon it takes a good 2 years to firm yourself up!

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I think that's part of my problem Cinamon, even the woman in the shop said I walk like somone who has had a bigger bust - she got that right and I had my "chicken fillets" in too!!!


The doctor said my posture was definately wrong and must have changed for me to have the pain now but not when I was over 20 stone!

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You look great Kathryn!!!!


I have some MBTs, two pairs in fact, which I got for free - a friend was one of the first importers to the UK, and wanted somebody athletic to demonstrate them at a trade show (dunno why on earth she picked me), anyroad, I got a pair of the black suede trainers and a pair of the sandals.


I didn't have any of the initial problems with standing/walking in them; apparently because I used to dance and have not bad posture anyhow.


I wear them a lot, and they certainly make you stand well and use more muscles and calories. If you're not sporty, I'd suggest that you start off wearing them for short periods at first. My osteopath thinks they are great too.


My friend is Helen at Ten Point http://www.ten-point.com/facilities.html ,she is very careful to fit you properly for them and gets you walking on a treadmill to make sure that you have your posture and gait right. I'd certainly recommend them for anyone with a dodgy back, bad posture or legs that need toning.

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Wow, six and a half stone!That's amazing, LARGE RESPECT, I remember reading in various posts about you having shakes and not eating, I think I'd find that SO hard, but you must be so pleased with yourself. At least you bad underneath clothes for the right reasons, I just look bad underneath clothes! :lol::roll:


Mrs Bertie

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I have some MBTs, two pairs in fact, which I got for free - a friend was one of the first importers to the UK, and wanted somebody athletic to demonstrate them at a trade show (dunno why on earth she picked me), anyroad, I got a pair of the black suede trainers and a pair of the sandals.


Lucky you getting them free! I had a great fitting session and was walking round and round the shop for the best part of half an hour. It was a family run sports shop and they were so friendly and helpful. Mum then wanted a pair so we went back yesterday and now she's got some but she is VERY hard to fit - she was told to try them over the weekend indoors and bring them back if they don't feel right, she wore them for a while this morning and things maybe she needs to go up another half size.


We are going to Hyde Hall tomorrow morning but I don't think I'll wear them - I don't want to get them muddy! Mine are the black suede trainers and I am going to wear them to work when I have trousers on. If they don't like it tough - they let the kids get away with all sorts there so I'm hardly going to be setting a bad example.


As for a before photo - I'm working on one, I did tend to keep away from cameras when I was huge, in fact I still do.

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Are they going to be the new crocs then?


I have been thinking about getting some for ages (almost as long as I thought about buying an Eglu, and that's saying something), but the price puts me off. Mind you, I thought about getting Crocs for about a year before I took the plunge and am so glad I did.


Just need to start a diet too! Well done Penguinmad.



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:roll: What are you like Andy? :lol:


I love mine and try to remember to wear them to work when I am in trousers. I also run in the sandals in the summer, and to be honest, I find them more comfy than the trainers. I am used to wearing conventional trainers, which must be at least half a size too big to avoid getting 'joggers toemail', so I find the fact that these have to fit exactly a tad odd. They are fine for walkign and running, but not for agility stuff like circuit trining because they don't have any give in the sole.


Boy did I earn those free pairs though - all day on the treadmill and walking around to demonstrate them. They work out far cheaper in the long run than courses of Pilates or Alexander Technique and I find that they help just as much.

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Lets run away tomorrow - save me going back to work.


Oh trust me you wouldn't want a skimpier picture - there is a LOT of empy skin underneath!!


They say it takes a couple of years to firm up.

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