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Rolo Rabbit

Any cyclists out there?

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Hub and I have just bought ourselves second hand but very nice bikes in an attempt to keep up with the kids and also keep fit. It is ABSOLUTELY killing me but I am determined to keep going. It's pretty hilly round here.


Anyway, my problem is: the helmet. I know I have to wear one but I look ridiculous in it and it's almost enough to put me off going out on my bike.I don't usually consider myself particularly vain but there are limits. Has anyone found a cycling helmet that doesn't make them want to shoot off down side roads every time they see a pedestrian? :(

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I hate my helemt too, but like you am prepared to wear it to show a good example to my kids and to keep myself safe. I just keep reminding myself of the safety side and it helps. I had a couple of near misses ears ago before cycling helmets were generally worn which also helps.


I hate to see people riding with their kids who are wearing helmets but the adults are not. Whatever happened to leading by example and what a mess their kids would be in if their parents were injured or killed.

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I like cycling but not on roads. We tend to do "off road" trails in woods or disused railway tracks. Rolo - the tarka trail north Devon is fab and nice and safe - no cars so great with the kids. :)


Camel trail near Bodmin also fab!


I dont find the helmet the problem - for me its the bloomin seat, it kills my bum :oops::lol:

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I hate my helmet too - I get too hot and sweaty in it :oops: but I just keep reminding myself what it's for , cos when I was little I saw this guy who ran over a road with his hands in his pockets , tripped over , and smacked his head on the floor :cry: I will never forget that.


Cheers to all us helmeted freaks :lol::lol::lol:

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ex-racing cyclist here.


I echo what everyone else has said. Please wear a helmet everyone.


And yes I agree with Bron, there is no point in wearing one if it is stuck on the back of your head. Or if you don't do it up, like some of the posties around here. Make sure the front is sitting just above your your eyebrows - look at pics of the pros for guidance!


A good bike shop will be happy to spend time making sure you get a helmet that fits well and they will also fiddle with those horrible straps for you until its right. Don't be intimidated by the abundance of lycra (sorry can't recommend a shop in your part of the world though).


Met is a very good make - Layla has an ace one with flames all over it - she looks 8). We got it at Grafham Water where there is a big cycle shop and the man spent a good 15 minutes with her making sure it was just right.


However I have an high forehead and Met helmets don't really work for me. But I still have my team issue Mango which I am very attached to!

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Wow - thanks for your replies everyone. Don't worry - I promise I will wear my helmet - I just have to get used to looking very foolish. I have one of those heads that doesn't suit hats of any kind.Maybe I'll visit a bike shop and have a look.The helmet I've got now came with the bike so I didn't have any say in it.

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Wow - thanks for your replies everyone. Don't worry - I promise I will wear my helmet - I just have to get used to looking very foolish. I have one of those heads that doesn't suit hats of any kind.Maybe I'll visit a bike shop and have a look.The helmet I've got now came with the bike so I didn't have any say in it.


I am the same. My hat looks stupid on me, but very cool on my OH. :lol:

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Thanks for the tip about the Tarka trail, Chelsea. We hired bikes last summer and did the Camel one. It was wonderful. The highlight was possibly Rick Steins posh fish and chips at the other end served with a chunk of lemon :D . Gave us enough oomph to go all the way back again.

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Hub and I have just bought ourselves second hand but very nice bikes in an attempt to keep up with the kids and also keep fit. It is ABSOLUTELY killing me but I am determined to keep going. It's pretty hilly round here.


Anyway, my problem is: the helmet. I know I have to wear one but I look ridiculous in it and it's almost enough to put me off going out on my bike.I don't usually consider myself particularly vain but there are limits. Has anyone found a cycling helmet that doesn't make them want to shoot off down side roads every time they see a pedestrian? :(


I remember thinking that way too, you look like a prat with a shiny cycle skid lid on don't you. I bought a plain looking one for that reason, And when I came off my racer at approx 30 mph (tailwind) and landed on my head I remember thinking as I slid along the rough tarmac (in slow motion), 'that is the sound of road amplified by plastic and polystyrene'.

When I came to a stop and got up to realise I had also hurt my knee in a big way, my skid lid fell in two. There was a ten foot white streak of plastic that would have been RED had I not looked like a prat to start with. My Knee has never been right since and I still have some 'road grit' in it, but I still have both ears and no broken skull.


I can't help thinking how stupid cyclists without helmets look now!


Always wear one!



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I can't help thinking that cyclists who don't wear helmets should carry Donor Cards.


I was vaguely watching the One Show last night where they did a piece about cycling in London and interviewed a girl who wasn't wearing a cycling helmet......a bit like "I like to do the washing up - call me Dave" cycling with his helmet fastened to the handlebars (and his briefcase following in a Jag!)....it sends a poor message.

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PLEEEEEASE take all the advice on here and wear a helmet - who cares if it looks stupid (you'd look a darn sight more stupid with half your brains strewn across the road - sorry, that's a bit graphic :oops: ). My OH was knocked off his bike by a woman opening her car door and landed on his head. No damage done as he was wearing a helmet.


None of us ever, ever go on our bikes without a helmet. The kids know the rules and won't even go round the block without one on.


Soon you'll be cycling so fast that you'll just be a blur and no-one will be able to see your helmet (or recognise you) anyway :lol: .

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I agree about the comment about helmets. Always make sure you're wearing a helmet. My brother has had several bumps on many occasions and is luckily still here to tell the tales.


One of his old helmets he was wearing when he got hit by a car got donated to St John Ambulance to show just how dangerous it is not to go out with a helmet.

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When I was little in the 70's no one wore helmets, & I think it's great that times have changed & common sense has won out.


Wear a helmet. They are 8)


I've just had a thought- you wouldn't go horse riding without a hat, & on a bike you can go as fast as you can as on a horse.

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