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Guest Poet

update on dad- up and down

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Poet, i think maybe deep down you are 'prepared' but that doesn't mean you give up. We all read this thread and send out positive vibes to you every day, just think what all that positivity could do.


All you can do is be strong and do what needs doing. I really feel for your Dad, he's been through so much already. Let's hope he gets through this.

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Sending you loads of positive vibes from here too Poet... keep strong and keep hopeful...

We have been having family health issues here too, OH's mum has been in and out of hospital for quite a while now, struggling with what was uncertain to be either a bone disease or a spread of a cancerous tumour she had had removed three years back... till recently nothing was very sure, then things moved very quickly, with cancer being confirmed and chemiotherapy treatment starting, and we have been told a few days back that all cancer treatment was now being stopped, as the cancer has been confirmed to have spread too far, and nothing can be done... doctors don't know how long she has left...

Your dad has had much more than his fair share of trouble, and you guys have all had a real tough time... but there is hope, and while knowing that things are difficult and not certain, there is certainly all good sense in keeping a positive strong hope... deep inside you might know that there might be a time when things will have to be accepted as different, and that something in there has been prepared for that possibility all along, but acknowledging that too much right now might feel too much like 'giving up' too soon... I am a strong believer in positivity and positive vibes too... it doesn't solve everything, but it sure never does any harm, and it prevents one from feeling hopeless before all hope is lost. Even if we don't feel prepared, and when things go wrong it still comes as shock and huge sadness, something in the brain that was actually prepared kicks in, in its own time, to help cope with things...

I hope you get better news today... I don't often post in this thread, but I read it most days, and all my most positive thoughts are with you and your family...

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thank you once again for all the kind messages.


dad's original consultant came to see him today and he was astounded that nothing had been done so far. He said he would personally take charge and took dad down to theatre this afternoon. He told us he would put a camera down and inject the ulcer with adrenaline which should shrink it. He said this method has about a 70% success rate. He was amazed this hadn't been done yet (I have a feeling someone's going to get a telling off??).


So, dad went down to theatre and low and behold, no ulcer!!!! So, great that he has no ulcer but we still don't know what's causing the bleeding. Dad's consultant was still operating til late tonight and the nurses don't know anything so we have another anxious night waiting to find out what the problem actually is.


We feel happier that his original consultant is back on the case but obviously still very worried about the cause of the bleeding.


Mum has a theory that because dad kept pulling (and pulled it out at times) at his tracheostomy, that he might have caused some damage to his oesophogus (sp?) and the blood from that has only just worked it's way out of his bowel. I don't have a clue if that's likely or not!???

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I'm glad the original consultant is back on the case, he sounds like a man who gets things sorted. I'm also glad it's not an ulcer, although mayber it would have been easier if it was. At least then you would have a vlear cut idea of what the problem was and how they could fix it.


Fingers crossed they find out whats wrong soon and get your Dad sorted.


Thinking of you as always

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they still have no idea where all the blood came from, they said because of the colour of it it must have come from the stomach or small intestine but they don't know why :?


Thankfully it's stopped :pray:


I went tonight as I haven't been for a few days due to having a bad cold but I sat on the far side of his bed so I wouldn't infect him ;)


He was sitting in his chair and seemed quite lucid. Very tired but quite alert. He drank a whole beaker of horlicks while we were there so his swallowing is improving. With a bit of luck they'll put him on solid foods soon.


I'm cautiously optimistic as he seemed to be getting better when he had that heamorrhage (sp?) but there does seem to be a marked improvement :pray:



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