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Guest Poet

update on dad- up and down

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He has what they think is another benign tumour (it's definitely a tumour but hopefully a benign one) and they're going to have to remove more of his bowel (he doesn't have much of it left as it is after the last tumour). This means he'll have to have a stoma (sp?) for the rest of his life. He also has a massive hernia which they're going to sort when they remove his bowel.


The op is scheduled for the 11th April. Get your vibes into gear again please :roll:


Went round to see him and tried to put on a brave face, joked about the fact that if I could wipe a chicken's bottom then I could change my dad's stoma if need be. I just wanted to cry but that's not fair in front of mum and dad so tried to keep it light :roll:


On the positive side, he's not in pain and doesn't have any bleeding at the moment thank god. He's going for his pre med whatsit next week to see if he's strong enough for the op.


Mum's been telling me where all the important papers in the house are "just in case", felt a bit ominous her telling me that. Have a funny feeling that if he goes, she's planning to follow.


Just about to have a very large glass of wine and might even have the whole bottle :?


Oh boy, life's a funny thing sometimes :roll:


catch you later



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Mum's been telling me where all the important papers in the house are "just in case",


Not wanting to make light of the situation at all but my mum does this every time she goes on holiday in case the plane crashes! :roll:

I think its just a parents way of trying to make sure you dont worry too much if it all goes wrong. I know it doesnt help! :roll:


Im thinking of you all and hoping that everything turns out as positive as it can do.


Hugs xoxoxox

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Positive vibes from us too. Father in law had a large amount of bowel removed last October and has a stoma and once a few weeks had passed and he'd "got his head around it" he's back to normal. Nipping up the road to the bakers (and the pub :roll: ) he's worked out which foods agree and (more importantly) which disagree. It's a big deal but it's not insurmountable. Make sure he makes use of the stoma nurses if he's offered one, they were fantastic with FIL. There's some people on here having some really hard times and difficult stuff to deal with, lots of love to your Dad, and you and your Mum


Mrs Bertie

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I hope all goes well Poet, keep strong, it's not easy keeping a brave and cheerful face while you are with your mum and dad, but I'm sure it makes a huge difference to them... I hope you all keep strong, and am sending you all loads of good vibes...

Joining you now in a glass of wine...

Take good care.

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Have a funny feeling that if he goes, she's planning to follow.


Oh blimey, not another one :shock::wink: .


Sorry to hear about your dad's diagnosis Poet, but glad it's benign. I hope the op goes OK for him and he recovers quickly. I bet your mum's glad she's got you for support.


Here's some of those positive vibes (I've been saving mine and propagating them, so I'm sending you some cuttings :lol: ).


Best of luck coping with what must be a difficult time.

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thanks everyone. I really want to try and stay positive and upbeat, for my parents' and my sister's sake. The last thing everyone needs is for me to start feeling sorry for myself so bear with me for the next few weeks, I may need some virtual cuddles ;)



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ooo er missus. After the indignity of what I went through last week I certainly hope my end is looking brighter :lol::lol:


Thanks for asking hun - I'm pretty good at the mo. Got the colposcopy treatment etc out of the way last week and got my endoscopy & barium swallow xray in a couple of weeks. Fingers crossed then that's it for a while! I've had enough of hospitals recently, so goodness knows how you and ANH are coping with what you are both going through. Two very strong and brave ladies I think :clap:



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I wasn't sure whether to put "pardon the pun" at the end of that ;)


I don't feel brave that's for sure, just a good actress with a wonderful husband with broad shoulders ;)


night night hon :wink:



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night night to you too :lol: hope you get a good night's sleep


AND YOU ARE BRAVE!! It takes a lot to keep being strong, you are bound to have your moments when you feel like screaming, and "Ooops, word censored!"ody could blame you for that, but you are doing really well. Plus you can always come on here and talk it through - in a weird way I found it helped me more than talking to any of my friends in person.



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Sending you and your dad (and mum) good luck wishes for the surgery.


I used to be a Sister on a surgical ward where patients had bowel surgery, so lots of stomas. If the patient got a bit squeamish about it, I used to explain that cleaning and changing the stoma was a bit like wiping your bum, but that the difference was, you could see what you were doing (if you get what I mean). Sounds daft, but it seemed to help.


*positive vibes*

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