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Flubevet - How much do I give?

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:oops: I think I must be becoming very dense in my old age! My pot of Flubevet came this morning and I cannot work out how much to give my three chooks - could someone help me please?


Also I gave them a cold remedy today because Maudie has been sneezing since I got her - there must be something they really like in it because they loved it! Is it ok to worm them now or should I wait a few days because they've had the cold remedy?


Thank you




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:D Thank you everyone - I will be able to sort them now tomorrow!


:shock: I've got a chest of drawers in my kitchen and it's looking like an animal dispensary - diatom, pet disinfectant spray, cold remedy, garlic powder, Flubevet, bag of shredded paper, apple cider vinegar - I wish I had a Utility Room. Could put it all in the shed I suppose but then I'd have to brave the spiders!!!! :shock:


Chicken on a Mission - you're welcome to some of my Flubevet - give me a PM.




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It's true. I only wish I hadn't been looking at the Defra avian flu site when my landlady paid a surprise visit just after the grape medicine administration :) The landlady, that is, who very kindly let us keep the chickens even though they are in breach of our tenancy agreement .... :shock:


(Also had to run around the garden like a mad thing disposing of chicken poo before she saw it. One does try to keep it presentable, like. Sadly the only one I missed was the one she stood in, in her nice clean tan suede loafers. Oh oops).

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Brilliant suggestion about putting the Flubanvet in grapes! quote]

:lol: My idea originally :wink: so I'll add the tips;

1. bearing in mind that you're only dosing about 1/4 tsp altogether, over the week, it is really much less than a pinch in each grape. I used the tip of a sharp knife to smear a little in the grapes.

2. Also, be aware the potential for top hen eating all the grapes! You need to play a fun game, whereby each of your hens gets the dosed grape.

Not too bad with 2, but quite hard to outwit with 6! Imagine trying with 1000 :roll::lol:

This method does mean that you know for sure that your chooks have had their share. :D

Hope it goes well.

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Sorry COAM, I sold half of mine.


I administer mine individually by syringe as the vet reckons that it's the only way to make sure that they each get their dose. I dissolve a bit from the end of a teaspoon handle in some water (in an egg cup) and syringe 0.2 of a ml into each chook's beak every day for a week. You need to stir it between each dose as it doesn't dissolve very easily. The vet was very approximate about the amount to use, but my lot seem fine on it.

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So, just to be pedantically clear (sorry) is the correct dose per chicken, if dosing by the grape method, 1/4 tsp over 7 days?


Though I guess this doesn't take into account the difference in sizes of different chooks but maybe is a good enough approximation. I'm just worried about overdosing. When you're dealing with such tiny quantities it seems v easy to get it wrong either way.

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The way I understand it, the dose is 1/4 tsp per chicken which has to last over 7 days - not 1/4 tsp per day. I do the grape method too and just measure out half a teaspoonful into an egg cup for my three girls and dip the tip of a knife into it and spread a little onto a halved grape each for them. Any surplus at the end of the 7 days is thrown away as you'd waste some if you mixed it into their layers pellets. They never eat it all anyway and doing the grape method, you can SEE it going into them! No doubts about who has or hasn't had enough of a dose!

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I've switched to Verm-X which is much easier to dose. It comes in a bottle with a pump that gives one dose per bird per day - you just add it to their water daily. I halve the amount as mine are bantams (one squirt for two bantams) and use it for four consecutive days each month.


I've also read that ACV in the drinking water, and/or a clove of garlic, makes the gut inhospitable to worms, so that's another option for anyone who prefers a more natural treatment.


The thing with worms is that if they have them, they excrete the eggs and there is a continuous cycle. So worming twice a year with Flubenvet only clears them out twice a year and they are re-infected soon after if they are kept on the same ground.

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