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Arrgh! I have loads of exams this week! (and next week)

Tomorrow - French Speaking (eek!)

Wednesday - Religious Studies

Thursday - English, Geography and French

Friday - English and Geography (until 4pm :()

Monday (next week) - Statistics

Tuesday (next week) - English Literature



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Goodness :shock: Are they real ones or mocks?

I asked for batteries for my tea towel (torchon) in my french speaking exam. I don't know how the examiner kept a straight face - but I got a B, so it cant' have been too bad!


Good luck with your hectic schedule and just think about what you're going to do to relax when they are over (apart from giving us I.T advice!)

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All the best Fred.


Are these GCSEs?


What are you planning to do next?


And how is it that you do exams on a computer?


You don't need to answer that obviously but am just intrigued to know if its an option open to everyone these days (no such thing as PCs when I was at school - we used slide rules :shock::lol: )

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I asked for batteries for my tea towel (torchon) in my french speaking exam. I don't know how the examiner kept a straight face


:lol: Maybe he/she thought you had a very innovative tea towel...



Good luck Fred, sounds like a lot, my exam days are far behind me now, but even now I still occasionally wake up in a panic from dreaming I have a long line of exams coming up ahead, or I forgot to write my dissertation (honestly, does anyone actually 'forget' to write their end of uni dissertation??) ... The endless exams for weeks on end and the living inside books for even longer are one part of my youth I really don't miss!!

All the best!

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Good luck Fred. My elder son is doing his GSCE's and did Spanish Oral yesterday- he said he had to talk about going to Barcelona to take part in a choral competition (totally improvised) :shock: bit specific! He is doing IGSCE's in all core subjects which are 3 weeks earlier than the normal ones, eeek!

I'll get him to log on here, you can moan together :wink:

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Good luck Fred :D


My ED is doing her yr 9 SAT's in 2 weeks time, she is not looking forward to it. She suffers from various anxiety issues normally without having to sit in hall full of other people for a couple of hours :( Although thanfully she is less anxious now than she was before Christmas :roll:

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Lots of luck!! Exams are AWFUL, there's no too ways about it.

I hated them, and I hated school - soooo glad to be away from it all now.... well, until I go to uni that is :roll: and then the whole cycle starts again!!!!


Don't worry, uni is soooo very different to school! You'll love it! 8) (wish someone had told me that when I was 18 :roll: ) :lol:


I'm sure you did fine Fred - nerves is normal! 8)

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