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oooo chocolate and lasagne and and.. i've put on 10 lbs

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Ok. so im going to a wedding and i still have my baby fat from 15 months ago!!! didn't help that he was a christmas baby! Turkey and stuffing galore!!! :oops:

I really want to loose a few lbs but i hardly get time to get out for a run. I sometimes go on my trampoline and the silly thing is im to ashamed of my body to excercise in front of my other half :oops: . He met me when i was young and thin and now im riddled with stretchmarks and flab :cry: !!

I watch how to look good naked and i do excercise but i just feel like i need those few extra lbs to jump off somehow. It would be nice to look at a bikini and not wince :roll: !!!

I want to know if anyone has any good tips for loosing a few punds to get into a nice summer dress!!! :lol:



:oops:PP bluebelle

(white chicken) lily

PP HENrietta

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The books by Gillian Mckeith are really great advice, but be warned you definately need a will of iron to follow all of her advice.


I've tried and failed many times. I put on 4 whole stone of baby fat when my first was born and it never came off :shock::shock::oops: .


Whats worse is that was almost 9 years ago. I've given up trying now and am finally accepting who I am, I wouldnt have the life I do now if I didnt have some scars ( so to speak) along the way.


Good Luck.



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I've found that a bowl of veggie soup - nothing fancy, a couple of carrots and parsnips or whatever there is going at the farm shop, boiled up with some veggie stock then blitzed - eaten before lunch and tea helps fill my tummy, making less room for a big meal, and helps with the old '5 a day' target.


And natural yoghurt with a squirt of honey for a sweet treat instead of chocolate.

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Well I can beat you all - I had 8 stone to lose when I started at Weigh"Ooops, word censored!"chers a few weeks ago.

I have now lost 1.5 stone which is a start,but I am in for the long haul with this one :?:lol:


WW is great as you can eat anything,just in moderation.

I have a glass of wine (my one weakness) every night & I cook family meals which we all enjoy

I think eating as a family is really important & as I have teen daughters I don't want to make a big fuss about eating 'different food' to them, so this eating plan works very well for us.


I have had a difficult couple of weeks with illness etc,but am going on holiday in a months time & would dearly love to have lost a few more lbs by then :D

Little goals make the whole process easier for me!

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I can recommend weight watchers too.


It really helped by the fact that you need to weigh food like pasta and rice - it made me see just how big my usual portion sizes really were, and made me realise I didn't need so much.


I lost just over 2 stone and I've maintained it for over a year now.


Good luck in whatever you decide to try :D

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There's a lot of us in the same boat magamamma... my DD4 is 21 months old, and I'm still struggling to lose the weight... It's happened with each pregnancy, I lose weight after giving birth, but then the lifestyle makes me put it all back on... mostly the lack of time and engergy to cook proper meals, and the glasses of wine (and other similar comforting drinks), just bring all the pounds rushing back on... I then take a couple of years to lose it all, by which time so far I've then been expecting the next baby!!! As DD4 is our last, it's time I got myself back in shape now...


I am not very overweight, so am quite lucky, but to be honest losing a small amount of weight is not so easy... keep thinking 'oh it's not much, I can lose it any time I want', but then never get round to it... it's now time though, cause it's getting easier to cook with little Leia being able to play by herself or with her sister while I sort dinner... can't face the thought of cooking with a toddler clinging to my legs and screaming for attention... why do babies get so clingy just at the time of day that you need to get things done??


There are a lot of ways to lose weight and you have to find the one that works for you... I find it helps to identify your own reasons to be overweight... mine were alcohol and take aways... so just by reducing those I tend to lose weight, as long as I don't replace them by something equally unhealthy... it might help to keep a diary for a week or two, of everything you eat and drink, then go over it and identify any problem area... my mum always struggled with weight, but in her case it's because she overeats at each meal, rather than because of any specific thing that she does eat a lot of ...

Once you've identified your own 'downfall' area, you can plan how to go about solving it... most of the diets do work, like weight watchers and so on, but what I find is that by identifying my own issues and solving just those, I can introduce a change that becomes permanent, rather than a temporary 'diet'...

There is no underestimating the benefits of exercise either, in any form, be it going to a gym or walk or dance like mad with the kids around the dining table ( :oops: ), but it is hard to fit in a busy schedule, and to find energy for... if you can fit a small amount in though, it tends to not only encourage weight loss, but the feel good factor is amazing... exercise is actually energising and relaxing rather than exhausting, unless you overdo it...


Anyway... sorry for the rambling on... I am in no way qualified to give all this 'advice', but I've found that's how I lost weight in the past... I now have just one stone and half a pound to lose, and I'm very determined to get there!!! Maybe I should ask the take aways to ban me as a customer :wink:

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Put some music on and dance around the house while doing housework, run up and down the stairs (carefully) a few times, increasing activity even a little is a big help.


I am hoping that now my underactive thyroid is being treated that I can lose the stubborn weight around my middle that had been impossible to shift for the last few years.


Good luck with your quest :D

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I would love to put red flag pictures of me in my local chinese and indiuan but i know that i'd just travel further or ask someone else to call for me.

Ziggy.. everything you said made real sense for me. I seem to have no will power around food. i think what i need to do is buy myself a pair of skinny jeans that are a little too small for me and hang them where i'll see tham everyday.

I do actually dance around the sitting room with the kids and its shattering. Its also so fun as the kids have fun and learn all sorts of new songs. Makes travelling in the car better for us when she shouts ' can we have bob marley on mummy'.

Im a snacker and i need to sort out portion control.

Im doing the coast 2 coast from whitehaven to sunderland on the 1st weekend in june. there is my target.

thankyou girls. i was worried you'd all tell me to shut up and just deal with it!!!!



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I came in here looking for chocolate lasagne - have not got my glasses on (again!)


I would love to do the C to C walk (or cycle) - am very envious magamamma.


Just wanted to wish you all the best in however you decide to shift the extra pounds.


And congratulations to those who are also achieving their weight-loss aims.

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i have 2 stone to lose as well, grr. So i've ordered a lovely dress from Toast a size smaller than i am as an incentive.

Why don't we start a weight-loss thread and post each week as to whether we have lost anything? a bit like an online club! :D


Cheese is my downfall :oops:

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Why don't we start a weight-loss thread and post each week as to whether we have lost anything? a bit like an online club! :D



I thought that too... we could all encourage each other, exchange tips and share each other's successes... :)


Is anyone volunteering to open a thread? Or shall I do it?

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I'd be interested - can I join too? I've just got back from my weigh in at the "fat club" only lost 1 1/2 lb but it means that in 3 weeks I've lost half a stone so I'm happy overall. Going to really go for it next week as I really thought I'd done better this week than I actually have. :?


Mrs B

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