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Holiday romance?

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I was sort of on holiday(ish) I was in a TA band and had to spend 2 weeks with a regular army band to get my yearly TA bonus as my college principal wouldn't let me go off on camp with the rest of the band as it was during term-time. I'm very glad he wouldn't let me, as I met OH - He was a member of the regular army band. Apparenly he had been told to keep his hands off before I arrived :oops:

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OH ask me out a few times but i turned him down. I was happy to be on my own & with the bears, however he wore me down and i said we would agree to go out for a meal 'as friends' - nothing more. :notalk:

He booked a table at Le Petit Blanc on the 29th Dec 01, 5 days later we decided to get married and we have never been happier. Baby Bean due in just 2 weeks time. 8)

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OH and I met at work also, he's a copper and I'm civilian staff. I was writing the policemen's postings for that evening on our white board, he came in and was introduced to me, I thought 'Cor, he's saucy.' We were both with other people at that time so we became friends instead.


Then......(hold on in there, the end is in sight), another year on, I parted from OH No 2 (yes this is the 3rd time! :shock: ) and he parted from his fiancee. We got together and got married in Vegas last year! In fact its our one year Anniversary on the 10th Sept. :D


He's the best and is happy for me to have some chooks - what more could I ask for?! :lol:




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I was introduced to my OH by a mutual friend who I was staying with having just come out of plaster after a bunion operation. OH was considered a 'safe' option as whenever our friend (male) took a female friend home she was snapped up by somebody else :shock::D:D:D


We've been together for 16 years now and celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary in October.

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We were set up. A friend thought we would be well suited and so arranged for us both to be at theirs on New Years day for dinner. I was seeing someone else and dumped them the minute I went home to London (not as callous as it seems :oops: ; it was complicated). OH said he knew that day he wanted to marry me. 6 weeks after we started seeing each other I had put the flat on the market, jacked in my job and moved down here to start a new life. We were engaged 3 months later - he proposed as he came round from a general anaesthetic, dribbling :lol: .


It turns out that our paths had crossed many times, since children, even going to the same youth club together :shock: (I originally moved here with my family when I was 7, leaving home and moving away when I was 18).

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