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I am so ticked off I could spit!!!

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I have just be told on two seperate chicken forums (here in the States) that I am "inhumane" for keeping my girls in an Eglu. I can't believe it one poster talked about how he "called Omlet to give them a piece of his mind" my thought is he hasn't much to spare so giving a piece of it away is really going to cause him to become more STUPID :!::twisted::!::evil: Why do people have to be so judgemental about that which they don't have any first hand knowledge about?!?!?

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We get that all the time over here - and it's always the people who have never bothered to even look at one, or do any research, who shout the loudest!


Other forums are generally the worst and there used to be a lot of debate over it - I leave them to get on with it now :roll: Sometimes I wait a while until most have had their say and then reply - having some wooden coops (with the usual problems) and 12 Eglus, I feel entitled to make my point, but you'll never change anyones mind once they've decided that the Eglu is inhumane.......


......just smile to yourself, and enjoy your Eglu/Cube :D

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Last year I happened to be having a conversation with someone who made wooden houses (I had gone to collect a wooden garden storage box from him)and he was slating eglus and Omlet and saying how his local tip was full of thrown out eglus :shock::shock: :shock: :roll::shock:



I wasn't in the mood to get into an argument with him so said nothing and left quickly.............wish I had asked which tip was full of thrown out eglus........could have made my ebay fortune :wink::lol::lol:

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Why are they inhumane exactly? I don't have an eglu or cube but that is because my hubby would have a fit if we put anything brightly coloured in the garden!!! :?


Apparently they are considered too small :roll: which will lead to stress and cause the girls to kill each other. Hmmmm. :think: Stress causes low egg production as well, but I get and egg a day from all of my girls. I immediatley thought they were jealous because the couldn't afford the initial start up fee of the Eglu. I know I won't convince them any different, I was just annoyed. I contributed some helpful information to the group even going so far as posting picture of the inside and outside on the Eglu so folks could see the room my girls have. I will never, ever visit those forums again. Unless I can convince my fellow Eglu owners to join thier forums and create havoc. :shameonu: I know two wrongs don't make a right, but it would be fun.


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Ermmm... surely it depends how many and what size breed you keep in one as to wether it's big enough or not...?


The whole thing seems silly to me; after all, it's only a hen house! Sometimes people are so keen to be rabidly anti-eglu (and - sorry - occasionaly some eglu-owners can be equally insulting about wooden coops), it's just ridiculous.


Of course if you cram loads of larger breeds into an eglue that would be cruel. Of course if you buy a badly made flimsy wooden coop you'll have fox problems. But its ludicrous to make sweeping generalisations.

I've seen insults cast on both sides on other fora, and it seems so incomprehensible to me, which hen coop you choose hardly defines your entire personality.


How stupid to suggest that you're cruel and inhumane to keep your hens in an eglu! If it's any consolation, I've seen plenty of comments on other fora along the lines of "well, obviously if you don't really care about your chickens then a wooden coop is fine. If you do actually care about the animal which you have a responsibility to, then get an eglu".


It's just plain wierd, when you think about it. I'm sure some anti-wooden-coop and anti-eglu sentiment is just out of sheer annoyance from seeing comments like that! So daft, really.

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Red mite isn't inevitable in a wooden house, nor is it impossible to get rid of. It's dark nooks that red mite love, not wood itself, so it does depend on the design of the house as to how likely you are to get it, and how easy it is to get rid of.

I completely agree and sympathise with Angels, there's no call to be insulting about peoples' choice of hen coop, so long as it meets the chickens' needs fully then where's the problem?

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This used to erk me too, but you just have to ignore these narrow minded people. Trying to argue is like :wall: There is enough room in this world for chickens to live in eglus and wooden houses...


ok, so the standard run may be a little smaller than some other purpose built runs, but when you consider that battery chickens have the space of an A4 sheet of paper to live with, you see that our chickens are fine!


I got a converter for my run for my 3 just for my own piece of mind, but they still often sit together at one end when they are in it!!


If you are upset by these forums then as you yourself said- don't visit them! I'm sure your chickens are the most pampered creatures and they are happy as anything.

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Red mite isn't inevitable in a wooden house, nor is it impossible to get rid of. It's dark nooks that red mite love, not wood itself, so it does depend on the design of the house as to how likely you are to get it, and how easy it is to get rid of.

I completely agree and sympathise with Angels, there's no call to be insulting about peoples' choice of hen coop, so long as it meets the chickens' needs fully then where's the problem?


Sorry! I really didn't mean to sound insulting or narrow-minded. :shock: I just remember that Poet had terrible trouble getting rid of red mite this year, so much so that she gave up and bought a cube. There are fewer places in an eglu for the mites to hide and being plastic it is much easier to take apart and clean.


Wooden arks are really attractive and I don't have a problem with them or people who have them. I do feel irritated when wooden ark owners insult the eglu though, which is where this thread started.

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I've never heard that the eglu is inhumane before :shock: I have a wooden coop (soon to be joined by another, don't ask... :roll: ), and I'd estimate that the inside area is about the same as with the eglu. I have bantams, though, so it seems rather spacious :lol: Also, mine only roost near the top of the coop anyway, so I don't think they need much room. As for run space...I suppose my run would be similair in size to the eglu's, and I would feel a bit cruel keeping them in it all the time. If I'm home, mine are out (usually straight down to the greenhouse to dustbath in my compost tray :shock: )

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