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Look what I got at Primark - UPDATE!

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After reading on here a while back that Primark were the place to go for fleecy pj's Mum and I braved the hell on earth that is Primark Lakeside (2 hell's in one there!) today to get some.


And they knew I was coming....




Now I'm toasty in my thermal undies with the fleecy jammies - shame I'm going out in the cold tonight (I have a date)

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OK the jammies were a bank busting FIVE POUNDS!


And they are so warm and snuggly I don't want to take them off to go out in the cold.


The date is with a chap off one of those online dating sites, we've been chatting for a while and I've arranged to meet him in a pub on a local high street where I will undoubtely have taught a few of the staff - so a nice safe place to meet.


I'm a bit nervous as it's my first date for about 10 years or so, first EVER date as a thin person.


I was always indecisive about what to wear and I always overdres so I'm thinkng my new (£8 in the charity shop!) Karen Millen leather jeans with a rather nice blouse I bought a while ago but havn't worn as the sleeves are just to fancy for work.


Oh and killer heels but maybe not the ones with peep toes as it's cold.


I really would rather stay in my rut in my nice warm fleecy jammies though.

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Thanks all - of course Mum will probably not get off to sleep properly until I get in either so I won't make it too late.


She say's she's not worrying about me but about if James wakes up and she doesn't hear him. Thing is he NEVER wakes up....

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I'm back!


I did have a nice time, talked the hind legs off a donkey and drank too much diet coke and tap water (cheap date me! and I have a scratchy throat so needed to drink lots).


I think we might do it again - it was certainly good to wear those bargain leather jeans - never worn leather jeans in my whole life!


Turned out he was a Spurs fan - which kinda shows how keen he was as he probably missed the most exciting game of the season because it was a footy free pub! But hey - he suggested tonight. He did get rather a lot of texts about the score though.


I've got those fleecy jamies back on now - wonder if I could keep them on all day tomorrow??

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well done Pengy, I haven't been on a date for years, wouldn't know where to start - even if you don't take things any further, it sounds as if you had a good time.


I wonder if he realised when he suggested the date, that it was the Spurs/"Ooops, word censored!"nal match tonight!


The jammies look fantastic - I want some!

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I love your jammies, I've asked hubby to go & get some for me today as it's soooo cold, he refused point blank to go into Primark during half-term :lol:


I don't blame him Jules. Like I said it was hell on earth - 2 hells on earth really as Lakeside is NOT somewhere I like and the whole of Essex was there, most of them were in Primark as wel!

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