Ain't Nobody Here Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 I know the obvious answer is "yes" but I have some reservations. Help . My walk in run will be 2m x 2.5m. There will be perches, a table, a bench and some logs (ie extra floor space) but I'm concerned that three hens is enough for that space. I now have a brand new lawn (laid yesterday!) and the only advice the gardener gave me for its care was "keep the chickens off it ". So I plan to do just that and fence a bit of flowerbed off for freeranging. I may allow them a bit of time on the lawn while I'm in the garden. So, as they won't have full access to the whole garden can I sensibly introduce 2 more girls? Will they have enough space? This shows the area they'll have. The netting will stretch from where the eglu is to the wall behind the trees. There is more flowerbed than shown (up to the compost bin). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redwing Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 I guess it depends on the amount of time you can give them out of the run The trouble is that two extra chickens may be pushing it but you can't really introduce just one (although I did but I wouldnt really recommend it!) Decisions decisions........ I didn't really give you an answer did I? If it was me I would go for it but see what more expert people say Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chickvic Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 I'd just have more chickens Not very helpful. Redwing is right though - how much time will they be out? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scottie Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 Not really very sure! Just wanted to say that I really liked the plan of the garden! Our hens virtually never get out to run about now, and I'm adding 3 to our flock tomorrow (making 9). Our walk in run is probably the equivalent of 3m x 5.5m which, proportionately isn't much bigger than yours, but your chickies are getting to run about in the netting area as well so that must increase the size considerably? It's a hard decision to make, as you certainly don't want to regret getting extra chickens. I'll let you know after tomorrow when the White Stars are coming into Ogilvie's. Good luck deciding! Sheila Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tessa the Duchess Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 It's very tempting isn't it ANH. I think I would wait until you only have two chickens and then introduce 2 new ones, I certainly don't think you should attempt to get just another one. Tessa Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aggienator Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 I know it's tempting, but I think it would be best to start with your three and then see. It is always easy to get a couple more, but if you get them and then feel you have overstocked you will be left with a painful decision. It is lovely to have hens (although I won't get mine til tomorrow), but their welfare must always come first. Good Luck, Aggie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ain't Nobody Here Posted March 6, 2009 Author Share Posted March 6, 2009 Thanks, all. I feel in my heart that I should stick to my three lovely girls who get on so well. They would really appreciate the space in the run too. Tessa, that's good advice. In the sad event of losing one , then would be a good time to introduce two. I'm a bit scared of the introduction process too, so perhaps I will just leave well alone . I do plan to let them freerange in the fenced off bit quite a bit so the three girls should be very happy . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redwing Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 I have to say that adding to my original three has upset the applecart somewhat, four seem to be far noisier, bicker more and are much messier! having said that as soon as my run is built (badly by me) I will be looking to add more so don't think I am a good example to set to you Perhaps see how the run space works out first and how your existing girls use it and take it from there? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 I'd wait a while and see how the new run goes and once you've seen it in action, you can then decide. xxx Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chillicat Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 Ooooh ANH what a lovely thought to get more chooks. I'm a novice at this but I agree with others and it would be a shame to upset your current girls by introducing new chooks. We are introducing our new girl (hatched by one of the others) to the four Omlet girls and its proved difficult but they've had a large area to free range which has helped them escape each other. If they are in the run most of the day, this could lead to more upset. We had an horrendous experience within two weeks of having our first girls and I now give them as much space as possible, which works. I nearly bought three more hens recently and decided not to but to wait until we had a broody again so we could hatch our own - that way I have no excuse and would be able to blame it on nature calling Tough decision, and one for a gut instinct me thinks. Good luck Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HENthusiastic Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 Cant you just build a bigger walk in run then get more girls Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ain't Nobody Here Posted March 6, 2009 Author Share Posted March 6, 2009 Get thee behind me . No, I must stand firm. I don't have the money for a bigger run (OH doesn't even know how much this one's costing ), the area's all paved in readiness for 2.5m x 2m and I'd have to chop down a tree, move the compost bin and put a new door in the side of the garage. And we just spent rather a lot getting dishy Dave to sort our garden out . So, much as I'd love to get my saw out , it's not going to happen . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chillicat Posted March 6, 2009 Share Posted March 6, 2009 Are you SURE? If dishy Dave is that good, he'd magic some more room from See that area to the right on your drawing? Well, you could make that into a walk in run and fit an eglu in there too for just in case's sake Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olly Posted March 7, 2009 Share Posted March 7, 2009 Oh Chillicat, read the WIR thread on 'Eglus and Cubes' and then you'll understand the sleepless nights, guilt, angst, deliberation and planning that has gone into ANH's walk-in run. We've lived and breathed every step of the way with her, and that run is a masterpiece of design and efficiency - it must stay as it is! I think Tessa's advice is sound - at some point, nature being what it is, you may have a vacancy and then you could increase your flock to four. I have five, and they don't really have enough room in my opinion - they are healthy and seem happy, but I feel guilty about them not free-ranging as much as I'd like. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AJuff Posted March 7, 2009 Share Posted March 7, 2009 I'm sure you could squeeze two more chooks in, they all enjoy being together anyway. Also if your girls all go into the new run together then they should be on an equal footing. You could use the eglu run and butt it up to the panels inside the run to help with the introductions. Have you considered a mezzanine floor in the run? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HENthusiastic Posted March 7, 2009 Share Posted March 7, 2009 Isn't the usual advice to allow 1 square meter per chook? 2 x 2.5 = 5. So, isn't the usual wisdom on matters, that you DO have enough room for 5 chooks? ANd what about chooks who live in Eglu runs. Thats less than 2 square meters isn't it? MInd you, my run has 8 square meters, but 6 girls in there seem about the limit to me. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ain't Nobody Here Posted March 7, 2009 Author Share Posted March 7, 2009 O We've lived and breathed every step of the way with her Oh dear, have I been going on about it a bit, then ? AJuff and HENthusiastic, please don't . I'd persuaded myself against, now you're persuading me the other way . No, I think I will stand firm for the time being ("puts sensible hat on") . Of course, when Wally (my WIR ) is here and I've created a chicken playground paradise, I may think differently! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Redwing Posted March 7, 2009 Share Posted March 7, 2009 I bet you are more confused now than when you started this thread Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ain't Nobody Here Posted March 7, 2009 Author Share Posted March 7, 2009 Doesn't take a lot to confuse me . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
redfrock Posted March 8, 2009 Share Posted March 8, 2009 all I can say is that I planned to have 3, came home with 4 and somehow now have 15 . Haven't a clue how that happened! Actually now that I have actually written the number of hens I have I am in complete shock! I'm afraid I can;t work out the space of your run in my head (because I am useless!) but you will know what is right x Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sparkysmum Posted March 8, 2009 Share Posted March 8, 2009 My set up is similar to yours and I have decided that despite having the room, I won't be adding more chicks. I would simply be too worried that more hens = more noise = unhappy neighbours. Also more mess + trashed garden. We do love our ladies but am trying hard to be sensible and balanced (although it is verrrrrrrry hard ) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
atsw Posted March 9, 2009 Share Posted March 9, 2009 O We've lived and breathed every step of the way with her Oh dear, have I been going on about it a bit, then ? Well, if you have, god knows what people think of me . My new run is 4.5m by 1.8m (15ft x 6ft), and will have three hens. When our oldest passes on, two more will be added, making four. However, despite me going to all the effort of adding lots more lovely space, they all seem quite happy with hardly any space at all . Hummm... Andrew Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Seagazer Posted March 9, 2009 Share Posted March 9, 2009 I love the photo Vicki, I would love to add 2 more to my 3 when we get the WIR but I'm so nervous about the whole introduction thing and ruining the lovely little group that they are already. I'm hoping to stay strong but am so tempted by a skyline and amber star Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ain't Nobody Here Posted March 9, 2009 Author Share Posted March 9, 2009 Well, if you have, god knows what people think of me . Not all all . It's been great watching yours come to life . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cooks Posted March 9, 2009 Share Posted March 9, 2009 I'm hoping to stay strong but am so tempted by a skyline and amber star if I can do the intro's anyone can I have never drank so much coffee in these last few weeks getting up early with them. I always wanted 3 but couldn't get 3 at the time I got my original girls so got 2 so... adding to them meant adding two more.. but that's it! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...