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Guest chookiehen

A fishy quandry....

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One of our goldfish has quite literally gone belly-up. It's still alive, it still makes an attempt to get food, and it occasionally manages to right itself and go for a wee swim around the tank.


I assume it's on it's way out out, to the toilet bowl in the sky, so do you think it would be kinder to let it fight on for a while, just in case, or should we put it out it's misery now?

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OH says that it can be sorted. His advice is put poorly fish in a tray in a couple with an inches of water and drip water from a tap as slow as possible into the tray. If this is done overnight then the fish should be ok in the morning. Or you can feed the fish live daphnia, which has the same effect. OH used to work in a pet shop that sold fish. He said that it is not in any pain.


Do keep us informed Shona

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OH says that it can be sorted. His advice is put poorly fish in a tray in a couple with an inches of water and drip water from a tap as slow as possible into the tray. If this is done overnight then the fish should be ok in the morning. Or you can feed the fish live daphnia, which has the same effect. OH used to work in a pet shop that sold fish. He said that it is not in any pain.


Do keep us informed Shona


Please tell me how this works im really interested :think:

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Can't for the life of me remember where i heard this from, but when my fantail goldfish had swim bladder disease, I was told to put her in a shallow bowl of water with a pinch of salt. Left her there and she was fine after a few days! :D


Maybe the salt being an anti bacterial or something? Not sure, but it worked!


Christian x x x

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morning Mel!


Yes they can let themselves into the run. Tried that as soon as i read about it on here! But as both of us are away quite often, we like to let them free range in their larger (non fox proof) run for most of the day when we are here.


I love getting up when its dark! :liar:


C x x x

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what's this about chooks letting themselves out in the morning??????


Naturally, I have no problem getting up to let the girls out at the weekends....afterall, I'm up at 6.30 Monday to Friday.....................just wondering......... 8):lol:



If you dont lock the eglu doors shut then the girls may be clever enough to push the doors open and let themselves out at dawn. I tend to get up at 5am Monday to Saturday so its not normally a problem - but it does help if we go to friends and stay on a Saturday night :D

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Sorry, only just caught this Shona.


I've kept ornamental goldfish for years and the more fancy their body shape and fins, the more prone they are to swim bladder problems. The cure described is pretty good, as is making sure that you change the water in their tank on a regular basis. I had one fish that did it for ages, but I flushed it away after it started to get ulcers on the side that was mostly out of the water.


Next time get a less pretty fish, just one of the straight ones and it should be fine. Let us know how you get on.

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Sadly the fish died before we could administer any treatment - we didn't feel comfortable leaving it in the bathroom overnight, in case the cats got in, but when we got up this morning, she was indeed, 'belly up' for good.


She was the onlt 'fancy' fish we had - the rest are shubunkins and common-or-garden goldfish, so we'll do a water change and get a new fish next week.


Thanks for all the advice though, and if it happens again, then we will know what to do!

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