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The Weather Thread # 4

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Awful wind and rain here all day. Was worried about getting boys home from school as the water was over the road with more bubbling up from the man holes! Friend has just emailed to say she is really worried, they built their house near the local river 8 years ago and have never had any problems, but is really worried tonight as river is at its highest, any higher and it'll be in her garden and house. The local fields are saturated and look like lakes. Here's hoping the rain eases for a while.

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I'm just watching the live news feed from Cockermouth. OMG it's horrendous!! The main road through the town centre is a 6ft deep raging torrent as the rivers have burst their banks and there's a full scale rescue operation going on. :(

Hubby's been on standby manning MR all night and they've had all their vehicles out.

RAF have had three SeaKings airlifting people through the night.

Rain seems to be easing.

It's awful for the folk in Cockermouth, Kendal's bad but at least the town's not got a river running through it. I hope everybody gets home safe in the next few days.

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