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Diagnosis at last!!

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I've had it for years from my son - you know how tall he is :lol: - now I'm getting it from a grandchild :shock:


A mixed day today - I think 3 weeks has been a long time for such intensive physio.....all helping, but hard work.


Lauren had one of those mornings.....didn't want to go and was over-emotional and ranting. My daughter held it all together and managed to get her there. After the first physio session they have an hour of school but Lauren was obviously still hormonal and was just going to do her Internet School on her own..........she was told she might regret missing it :wink: - and fortunately she went along. They had chefs from the London Hilton showing them how to make chocolate Christmas creations :D She had a really good time and really enjoyed it..........




She walked back through main reception with her friend.....two Mums, two girls, level floor........and all of a sudden L is in a heap on the floor.......her knee gave way. Fortunately everything stayed where it should be and nothing dislocated :dance: She has swapped her heeled shoes for her trainers :(


Even more fortunately......her hands were painful from working with the piping bags so her Mum was carrying 'The Chocolate Creation' :shock: She would probably have landed on elbow or wrist if she'd been holding it herself and would have ended up with a dislocated shoulder or another break.


We've had a chat and she's happy again tonight - just one morning left to do. She is going to keep her heeled show wearing for special occasions and limited wearing I think.


Mum has decided she's going to smile and nod a lot tomorrow. She hasn't been allowed to state her case and if she does try she is ignored. Lauren has to go back for another session next year so smiling will be the best option.

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and the next fiasco........


Well, Charles and Camilla think they had a bad evening!

Lauren had a shower before bed was just drying herself when her ankle and knee gave way, she landed on her wrist and was in obvious pain. The ward at GOSH wouldn’t help and my daughter only had enough cash for one trip to UCL and her cr.card. The Transport Desk weren’t going to help out either until L started hyper-ventilating and was in a bad way. She has a high pain threshold and usually copes quietly. Daughter was going to ask L’s friend’s mother as her husband was down with them ready for coming home today but then the Transport Desk arranged for a car to take her to UCL.


The poor taxi man was stuck at every turn he tried to make – his language was rather ripe apparently! All the roads they needed were closed. UCL were very good again – the lady on reception swept the three men at the desk aside and fast-tracked L so that they didn’t have to spend long in reception with bleeding and vomiting students, the place was crawling with police and L was still hyper-ventilating and collapsing and my daughter couldn’t support her. No-one stood up to let them sit down :(


She has fractured and dislocated her wrist and torn the ligaments. The dislocation would not go back in and in the end, despite the break, they had to use traction :shock: . They pulled on her wrist and others plastered it at the same time. L was screaming and fighting the doctors. She had to have 5 different painkillers and nothing worked until the last one which was after her wrist was in plaster.


My daughter then had to phone GOSH to arrange the return taxi and came up against the same person who told them they had to make their own way home!! At 2.30am! I think that was the last straw for my daughter.....not sure what happened but a taxi was provided. UCL had wanted to keep L in overnight but they wanted to get back to the accommodation and at least try to have some sleep. They have to go to the Royal Free this morning to check that everything is in the right position. I really hope they don’t have to re-do it. Her knee and ankle also need checking.


Lauren says she’s learned new words from the taxi driver – but she didn’t use them in A&E !

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:( Oh Lesley, I'm crying reading that. Poor Lauren, poor mum, what a horrendous night, the pain and distress. Transport should have called an emergency ambulance and reassured the patient!

Thank goodness UCL treated her promptly. Please send gentle hugs and love from me to all the family, they are being so strong, but must be feeling exhausted now.

I love the way you impart even the most upsetting story with good humour, I can imagine the taxi driver ranting.

A hug for you too! :shock::D

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It was quite upsetting this morning I must admit, and I was quite angry about the roads having to be closed........Lauren wasn't an emergency but think of those trying to get to hospitals as an emergency :(


All 4 of them have spent the whole day at the Royal Free :? - her notes were in cyberspace somewhere! They were there from 10am 'til 4.30. They want her to see the hand specialist next Friday, so another trip to London.


Jake had been promised a trip to the London Dungeons today as they didn't make it last weekend......they didn't make it today either :roll: That's the third time he's been hoping to go and hasn't made it. They are on the London Eye now though 8)


We have just had to let them know that their journey home won't be uneventful either - the road from the M40 to their village is closed as a light aeroplane crash landed on it :shock:

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It was the A429 near Wellesbourne Clare, so probably different sirens, it must have missed the airfield. The pilot was fine and walked away unhurt. They came off the M40 at Banbury.


DD is feeling very let down by the hospital's attitude as she had high hopes of actually getting somewhere. Never mind, they're home now.

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.....and another bad night and a morning spent at A&E :(


Lauren turned over in bed......and dislocated the thumb again. She really didn't want to go to hospital and so she had her strong painkillers and went back to bed. This morning she was obviously in pain but said it was back in.....she wouldn't take the splint off to show anyone. Eventually they managed to get the splint off and it was still out so off they went.


A&E couldn't get it to go back in either and the pain she's in makes it go into spasm. Trying to get her to relax helps - but it's not that easy. It's in a different splint with a lot of metal in at the moment. She's here overnight as Mum and Dad had to catch up with their Christmas shopping - I'm praying that it behaves tonight :pray: We have to be up early tomorrow to go to the last Farmers' Market before Christmas, I'll have to be careful not to make her rush when I get her up.


On top of that the discharge letter came from GOSH today - it was sent to the GP and copied to everyone else involved in L's care and was full of references to L being back at school for an hour a day - not if or when but that she is back at school. Had she gone back on Monday for an hour a day as they insisted she did then she would have made 4 days at most, she wouldn't have been there today. It states that it was discussed with a parent......but it wasn't and no account has been taken of what L actually does with her internet school, and after school and in her spare time. We're all very pleased with what GOSH have achieved physically and she's due to go back early in the new year but they may refuse to take her if her parents won't comply and put her back into school.

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Good job we don't have webcams - that's all I can say :lol:


My daughter is struggling with it all and is starting to doubt herself and the decisions they've made - I've been hearing the depression creep into her voice since she was in London, it's unspoken but I know it's there. She had bad PND after J was born and it mostly stays away.........but I always know if it's coming back.

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Lesley. I'm so sorry to hear all this happening again, but what a wonderful family you are.


Has your daughter thought about getting Lauren statemented? It might be worth exploring it, and could give the family more of an official voice in educational matters, and any related health care which she needs in order to access her education.

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Thanks Patricia. So far they haven't gone down the Statementing route as eventually all the relevant parties were pulling together and seemed to be getting somewhere. They are really pleased with the physical improvements that GOSH have made, she's really coped well in the snow today, we just wish they'd leave the education aspect out of it.


They're going to leave it all until the new year now and then take this up with all parties, it really needs discussing properly.

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Lesley, because internet schooling is a very recent option here, the physio may not have really taken in the info. despite Mum's explanation. (I'll pm you about this).

After all, the physio is an expert in physiology, not education, they were simply reporting the discussion's outcome as they understood it. They are obliged to raise and report on the educational situation.


Presumably the education authority are aware and satisfied that this is how L. is currently educated? In which case, is there a letter or anything confirming the arrangement that Mum could take to the next session? The discussions with all parties you mention sound a very good idea.


It can feel threatening and undermining to be quizzed as if she's being witheld from school, especially when already exhausted and concerned about her daughter's pain and dislocations etc. Does the Internet school have a support contact for parents, others may have encountered this?


Mum is wonderful, a lot of people would feel traumatised seeing their child go through even one incident, I know what you mean about the depression just under the surface, and my heart goes out to her.


Meanwhile, tons of love to you all, I'm so sorry about the latest thumb setback.

L. is truly an amazing girl, I'm hopeful that this tough time will work out better in the forthcoming year.

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Thanks S, it is helpful to hear what others think, and that is a valid point. The main problem has been that they don't know what is happening in L's home life and school life and they won't listen! They are obsessed with 'normal' school and 'normal' jobs.


I don't know if there is a letter confirming the arrangement....I'll have to find out.


I'm hoping the weather improves before Tuesday when L is due back at Warwick to see the ortho. consultant - I'm the only one available to take her and I'm terrified of ice and snow and don't want to end up as a patient again :shock:

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Quick update - Lauren was back in Warwick before Christmas as her wrist was still causing problems - no-one can decide whether there is a fracture or not. She made it over Christmas without injury despite sledging with the others in between turkey and Christmas pud :D


Yesterday she was in Stratford A&E as her wrist was still swollen and painful so it's back in plaster but they couldn't X-ray it as there wasn't anyone available to do it, she has to go back to Stratford tomorrow for the X-ray.


Today we all went for lunch and then when she got home she reached up to the shelf in her bedroom.....and popped her shoulder out again :? Another trip to Warwick A&E. The shoulder is back in and fortunately the orthopaedic registrar was in A&E and over-ruled the A&E doctor who was trying to insist that Lauren was taken back for a follow up appt. in the fracture clinic. Her parents have been told that she doesn't need to have the follow up appts. unless they are concerned but A&E staff have to cover their backs and it becomes a bit difficult.


'Til the next time........ :wink:

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