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Church Wedding chat.....

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I came across this thread while having a browse yesterday. Here is hubby & me in 1993 at the Bon Jovi concert at Milton Keynes... we had only been going out for a month.

The wedding picture was taken nearly 2 years later!

I am unable to resize the pictures on my photobucket account, sorry, so here is a link to it


(if anyone wants to look at the photo made bigger!)

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Sorry folks I don't go to church! :oops: I don't believe that going to church makes you a better Christian & so I believe what I want to believe & look after & help others when I can - I'm afraid thats all my 'Emma' religion consists of.

I don't judge others though, as others feel the need to go to church & be more involved - that's fine by me. If they are nice people, then I can still be friends with them. I would never look down on anyone, their beliefs and what they feel necessary they have to do to be a christian.


I don't agree with every single religion there is - but each to their own.



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Lovely picture. :D:D


We have an interesting wedding coming up next month. Our local radio station runs an annual competition for prospective grooms and the prize is an all-expenses paid wedding. This year the competition was won by a local paramedic and he has chosen to be married in our church (the ambulance station is about 300 yds from the church) :D I don't know yet how much Radio Mercury will feature, but it will be a little bit different! :)

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Lovely pic Jules - you both look so young 8):D


I 'did' a wedding today! 8) I'm secretary for a small Baptist church and we don't get many weddings. When we do, I am the 'authorised person' for ensuring that the right words are said and the correct certificates signed and distributed. Obviously the minister did the wedding, then I had the priveledge of signing the register with the couple. Don't know who was more nervous, me or them! :lol: It was lovely though, I love weddings :D

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I just distrust religion in general, it seems to cause too many conflicts in the world. That's not to say I don't believe in 'god', I just don't think I need a set of rules to tell me how to be a good person or have to go to a specific place to talk to him/her/it.


I was brought up a catholic and was scarred for life by being told, when I was little, that everything I did was a sin and I'd get a black mark on my soul for this, that and the other. I went to a convent grammer school and some of the nuns were horrible and I've met some very odd and TBO quite scary overtly religious people in my time.


Buddhism seems to have its good points but I prefer to strive to be a decent person in my own way.

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I was brought up a catholic and was scarred for life by being told, when I was little, that everything I did was a sin and I'd get a black mark on my soul for this, that and the other. I went to a convent grammer school and some of the nuns were horrible and I've met some very odd and TBO quite scary overtly religious people in my time.



Its a shame some 'christians' give other more normal christians and faith in itself a bad name...


A real living faith with God and 'religion' are quite different things...


Lovely pic btw Jules :)

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I was brought up a catholic and was scarred for life by being told, when I was little, that everything I did was a sin and I'd get a black mark on my soul for this, that and the other. I went to a convent grammer school and some of the nuns were horrible and I've met some very odd and TBO quite scary overtly religious people in my time.



Its a shame some 'christians' give other more normal christians and faith in itself a bad name...


A real living faith with God and 'religion' are quite different things...


Lovely pic btw Jules :)


that's why I'd rather leave it than take it, too many people use religion as a stick to beat others with.


I also think if the Vatican (and other churches) spread the wealth, they could feed a lot of hungry people!


Like I said though, I do have a faith, of sorts and hope I'm a decent person.

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Can't speak for the vatican as i have no knowledge of that but i think you will find an awful lot of churches in Englad do a HUGE amount both home and abroad to live out their faith and help those in need - donating massive amounts of time and money...


they probably do. I have however visited many churches and cathedrals all over the world which are stuffed full of priceless articles which, if auctioned/sold, could quite probably end third world debt in one fell swoop.

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TBH (and i know i am in a minority here so don't all slate me...) I don't enjoy church any more in a fancy church building then i do where my own church meets (a primary school hall) Church is the people not the buildings. Hard pews, stained glass, organs and hymn books don't do anything for me to be honest - i know some people like to worship that way and thats fine but its not for me... I would quite happily, as a christian, sell off all church buildings and fancy ornaments and give the money to charity. They can all meet in schools and village halls and it wouldn't bother me one bit...


Awaits crys of 'how could you say such a thing?' with bated breath.... :wink:

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