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Is this the new Mark 3 ?????????????????

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It will be well worth ordering a chicken or two if it means the Eglu will be assembled for me! (I just hope I don't have to order ten chickens to qualify.)


The extension costs £100 instead of £47: but it looks bigger and stronger and better. I hope it doesn't have the same clips as the old run, as I didn't like them: they keep falling off.


It's only the money that stopping me now. I think I will have ordered a purple cube with extension run by bedtime. I (er, I mean my chickens) deserve it.

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Omlet seem to be offering only 6 with it. :lol:


All gingernuts and pepperpots. :?

Martin was wishing a while ago that they stocked different breeds, and I have to say, I agree with him. If I were going for new chooks, I think I would like a variety, rather than just two types.


Like you say Gallina.. well worth buying a chook to get them to deliver and assemble. Wonder what the wait would be for that though....

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All gingernuts and pepperpots. :?

Martin was wishing a while ago that they stocked different breeds, and I have to say, I agree with him. If I were going for new chooks, I think I would like a variety, rather than just two types.


Well originally it was Pepperpot and Bluebelles, I know this because Lesley had a bluebelle from Omlet. Then late last year they stopped Gingernuts and introduced temporarily a Miss.Snowdrop, which I think was similar to a Light Sussex. So they obviously know where they can get the other breeds. I think it would be worthwile if they did have an extra breed or two. To be honest, the Pepperpot and Gingernut are nice, good layers. But.. They look a bit boring.

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However (theres always a however!) I really need to know EXACT dimensions before I can commit, as I need to know that a) it will fit in the current chicken pen, and b) the hens can't get out of the pen by jumping on the roof if the run!


at the moment, all work on veg beds has had to be suspended as Poach (or shall we re-christen her Ginger) gets out EVERY DAY, by jumping on the top of the run and using it as a launch pad. Driving me nuts, and she's in serious danger of becoming chicken casserole if OH catches her upending another tiny crop of carrots.... :roll:

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want want want want want. But OH says no. Damn him.


the girls would be MUCH happier, I would be much happier, we'd ALL be much happier. and they could stay in the run more, saving the rest of my desolate garden from further degradation. And my branches would fit in better, providing MORE multistorey fun for them. And yet, he is unmoved.


i quite want to see inside it though.

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OOOh how exciting and I have just convinced Joe to let me get another Mk2!


Don't know about a massive upgrade to the cube just yet...........or could I........:think:


Well it is very tempting! :lol:


Congrats to those of you who have already secured your Cube's. They'll be great when you get them I'm sure.....who's having the Cube party first then? :wink:


Would more than likely want to see one in the flesh as it were before committing to buy one


Well done Omlet!




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I pop out for a few hours this afternoon and look what happens :roll: I had to feed the neighbours cat on the way home (about 4.30ish) and re-start his computer (don't ask), so I just had to sneak a look on the Omlet site :oops: It is soooooo gorgeous :D


I mentioned it to OH when he got home and he said that if I sell my old Riley I can have one :shock::dance::dance::dance::dance: OMG :D I cannot stop smiling like the village idiot :D I am going for a purple one :D Wooooooo, hooooooo :dance:

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Yes, congrats to all who have ordered it from me too :P


The cube isn't for me, as I have 2 big pens with Mk2 Eglus in them,but I can see the appela.

It looks so smart......much better than I thought it would after seeing those first pictures!


Oh & Martin,I have a Speckeldy who was an Omlet girl - they had run out of Gingernuts at the time & we got her instead (& she is gorgeous!)

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I think this may call for another song......


And now, the Cube is here

It's time for Chooks, to save her money

The Cube, a masterpeice

A home to suit, dear Belle and Hunney.

It comes in red, it comes in green

The colours sparkle in the sun,

And now, this much I know

I want a pink one......


Regrets? I'll have a few

If I don't get my Cube on order

Should I sell my red Eglu

Do you really think I orta...?

How many chooks? Just eight or nine

Or maybe ten would be such great fun.

And now, this much I know

I want a pink one.....


Yes, there'll be times,when eggs stacked high,

Will fall and smash on the floor

The chicken poo, will run amoke

And start to break down the door,

I'll hose it down - I'll sprinkle straw

I'll be as saintly as a nun

And now, this much I know


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I spend the afternoon cursing MFI ...who have lost part of my kitchen :evil::roll::roll: ..... up to my eyes in flat pack boxes and what do you know...................this topic grows by 10 pages :doh::doh:


That'll teach me to think checking the kitchen delivery is more important than the forum. I have learnt my lesson and won't let it happen again :shameonu::shameonu:


Need to know dimensions............width, height.................thought I said I wasn't getting one.............arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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I must admit, when I first saw the cube newspaper clipping photo on here I didnt like it.


Now seeing the cube on the omlet site in clear real life photos I really quite like it :shock:


Now I wonder whether hubby would be persuaded? It took me long enough with the mark II. and I have nothing to sell or bagain him with !!!


Id go for purple.


My sister would go mad......the girls go to "auntie Helens" for their holidays so I cant see us fitting it in the car to go over there. :lol:


maybe we could wheel it over :idea::lol::lol: WITH THE CHOOKS IN IT :lol:

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Popped into the shop for a quick look..........................but chickened out at the checkout :wink::wink:


:lol: Same here, suddenly realised that I don't know how big the cube is, better find out, if I need to find say a metre & tray pull out, that's quite a lot.

Perhaps I should check the dimensions & measure the space in chickenopolis to see if it really does fit in, with space to walk around too. This is sounding far too sensible, I should have just gone to checkout. :lol:


Except that earlier this week I was saying that our garden (and neighbours :oops: ) can't really cope with more hens! :oops::lol:


Bother, it's too dark, I'll get up early with the tape measure. Very early before Shep's up. :lol::wink:


Well done those who've ordered already. I think it looks fab, but my spatial awareness is terrible and I just can't picture the size. I seem to remember struggling with the 2nd mark 1, it looked bigger when I went to put it in the space I'd envisaged. :oops: Let alone a mark 3 cube!


Still, won't let a little detail like that stop me. :lol:

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