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Cow parsley: Love it or hate it?

Love it or hate it?  

24 members have voted

  1. 1. Love it or hate it?

    • Love it.
    • Hate it.

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We are divided here... Jonnie LOVES it, I love the look, but can't bear the smell.. We went to a friend's last night for supper, and she adores it. I have put piccies on my blogof her amazing garden. Click on the pictures to enlarge them. Go on... what do you think of it?

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I ticked LOVE although to be honest that's a bit strong - but I certainly like it. I suppose I just think its cheerier to have it there than nothing. I agree with Karen though - it's a hedgerow thing rather than a garden thing :wink:

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Absolutely detest the smell....in fact it really does makes me feel sick. Quite like the look in a wild flower garden......although along with Rose Bay Willow Herb it can be a bit "motorway embankment" in look so have voted for "hate it".

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No Jaime it's not red - if it were then I suspect more people would LOVE it. It's a sort of dirty white colour with green stems. Very common - you would know it if you saw it.


Not everything comes in a colour to match your eglu you know :wink:

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Cow Parsley is as English as Frank Muir (albeit with a Scottish surname). I do beileve it's edible, in fact it's one of mother natures biggest aphrodisiacs, you only have ask my OH!

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Well I paid particular attention to the cow parsley in the hedges on my way to work this morning and I definately like it :D It just makes the hedges in the lanes look all nice and pretty especially alongside other colourful hedgerow flowers.

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:roll: errr .. no Lesley, it did not grow .. infact from picking to home, then back to the hedgerow, it was pretty much curling up and dying. :oops::wink::lol: .


We thought we were presenting Mum, with the most enormous bunch of flowers in the world ...... :shock::wink: .

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My horse absolutely LOVES the stuff. He cannot eat enough (not to be confused with giant hogweed that has bigger flowers and thicker, purpler stems, that is poisinous)


Its very pretty, but Im not keen on the smell. My chooks had a pick at some the other day!

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