Jules. Posted May 28, 2007 Share Posted May 28, 2007 Ethan was born at home, in a planned home birth. Any one on here had a home birth? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sheilaz Posted May 28, 2007 Share Posted May 28, 2007 Esther was a planned home birth, about as peaceful as you can get. However, she was my 4th and I didn't even consider it for the others, in fact I thought a friend was a bit odd when she had her 3rd at home! So, it just has to feel right, as well as being medically low risk. For me it was the last straw that our local (2 mins roll down the hill) City maternity unit had been closed down after years of promises, & also an expensive refurbishment, after another local unit (where my 2 boys were born) was closed. My 3rd baby was born at the time of refurbishment closure & I had to go to Hemel (& stand in a corridor). It's not a town I need to go to for anything else so it felt really strange, and she has Dacorum (the district?) as her place of birth on the certificate, doesn't even say Hemel. So, just couldn't face it again or the car journey. (or being hungry, OH had to bring food!) The midwife was 100% supportive and GP OK about it. Hospital obsterician (I had to have a visit just in case I needed a Caesarian as baby hadn't turned, but she did after acupuncture) gave a beastly lecture about irresponsible having home birth etc etc. But, apart from him, everything went according to plan, & it was absolutely the right thing for me to do, and Esther hasn't stopped being a bundle of joy in 11 yrs. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rhapsody Posted May 28, 2007 Share Posted May 28, 2007 My second was born at home, it was the best day of my life . After enduring a long, mismanaged labour and a birth like a scene from the Spanish Inquisition the first time around I swore I would never put myself in the hands of the Obstetrics Gravy Train again. I fought with the hospital, my doctor, even my family over it but stayed firm and positive and had a hilarious time of it on the day; my eldest (2 years old) watched the Jungle Book with my midwives and we all boogied to the King Louie song then carried on with the contractions! The baby was born in the bathroom with me on my feet, swearing and leaning on my OH. Then we all had a bottle of Veuve Cliquot and ordered in a pepperoni pizza the size of a dustbin lid. Fantastic. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AnnieP Posted May 28, 2007 Share Posted May 28, 2007 Good for you all! (If it was me, I'd be screaming for every painkilling drug available ) but my mum had 2 of us 4 at home and would have had me, her 4th, there too, but I was as awkward then as I am now, and was a rhesus baby, so had to be at hospital... She says home births just feel so right, and I am sure she is right! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AmandaR Posted May 28, 2007 Share Posted May 28, 2007 Both of my children were planned home births. I would (and do) recommend it to anyone. I hate the way the hospitals tend to intervene too quickly - hence the high level of C Sections that are performed. I loved the fact that I was on home territory with all my home comforts at hand. If I wanted a bath, a snack, watch T.V, read a mag' etc - then I could. I do believe that because of this, the birth is a lot less stressful and painful. We had pain relief drugs on hand, the midwives bought gas and air and we pethidine in the fridge on standby (I think that they aren't allowed to do that now) but found that I didn't need to use any of it. Saying that though, at the time we had a maternity ward just 5 mins away from us. So if anything did go wrong, it was comforting to know that we could be there in a flash but it has now been closed down. Our nearest maternity ward is in another county and can take between 20 mins - 2 hours to get there depending on the traffic - I'm not sure what I would do now if I was expecting a child. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bronze Posted May 28, 2007 Share Posted May 28, 2007 I've been prevented each time Second option was a water birth which I havent been able to have each time either. I keep threatening DH with another so I can have a good birth but I suspect it wouldnt happen and the chances of a very prem are high. In some ways though I am glad I havent had a home birth. I was seriously neglected at my last birth as there was only one midwife to about 15 of us on the antenatal ward. At least three of us were in full labour but there wasn't enough staff. at least one midwife was out to a home birth. I would hate to think that someone else had got bad treatment because I had pilfered one of the only midwives while I had my nice home birth. At least fate took that decision away from me Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Egluntyne Posted May 28, 2007 Share Posted May 28, 2007 Personally I liked to hear the reassuring clink of stainless steel around me! My daughter had to be yanked out sharpish....foetal distress job and brow presentation rolled into one ...and I was never more grateful for intervention than on that day! My boys popped out very easily....in and out in a matter of hours. Several friends have opted for home births....most have gone absolutely swimmingly and have been truly joyous occasions but two had to have the flying squad out to the baby and one sadly didn't make it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snowy Posted May 28, 2007 Share Posted May 28, 2007 It's such a difficult decision isn't it? Well done Jules for going with a home birth. My experience was coloured by previous births (if you see what I mean). No 1 was a very difficult and long birth, so when no2 came along 11 years later I was quite scared and wouldn't have gone for anything other than hospital. But it was so easy - literally like shelling peas and the midwife kept a very low profile so I felt very much in control. So with no3 I asked for a home birth, but my community midwife was very anti. I foolishly gave in and went to hospital. Not too bad though, was in and out in 2 hours and back home in bed! And the midwives in hospital wondered why I'd bothered going in! Oh well - at least the 2nd two experiences made up for the first one. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PurpleHen Posted May 28, 2007 Share Posted May 28, 2007 I had a planned homebirth in Jan of this year with my first child. It was fab and I recommend to anyone who will listen I do think being at home helped me cope enormously. I had also listening to hypno-birthing CDs in preparation and had a birth pool. As for Midwives, it would have been my local community team that would have come to my home, so they wouldn't be taken from a labour ward. It is wrong of a hospital / trust to have midwives on call for homebirths who are working on the labour ward - it should be separate so it can't happen that the numbers on the ward are reduced. BUT - as they were so unsupportive of my decision, I ended up hiring an Independent Midwife, probably the second best decision I made regarding DDs birth (the first being where). I used tens before I got in the pool and then some gas & air when I had to stop pushing for a bit!!! I could have had pethidine in the fridge if I wanted to, but choose not to. I'm not sure why so much of the NHS is against homebirths when they actually cost them less Anyway - the answers yes *rant over* Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mel (& Paul) Posted May 28, 2007 Share Posted May 28, 2007 Ok I think I need a large g&t I should have known not to read a topic with birth in the title Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
theherd123 Posted May 28, 2007 Share Posted May 28, 2007 Mel get me a large one while you're at it! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mel (& Paul) Posted May 28, 2007 Share Posted May 28, 2007 There you go my love. I've stuck two slices of lemon in it - it all counts to your five a day Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popcorn Posted May 28, 2007 Share Posted May 28, 2007 (edited) Where you give birth has to be your own decision based on your own comfort zones, no matter what anybody recommends or advices you. I would have been terrible having a home birth, my hat comes off to those of you that had one. Then again my hat comes off to any woman who has given birth, however they have done it. I knew the hosptial environment would make me feel more at ease and relaxed, and I had the best time whilst I gave birth to Stefan, after an horrific 46 hour labour, with the most wonderful midwife. It is good that we do have the choice. Edited May 28, 2007 by Guest Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ubereglu Posted May 28, 2007 Share Posted May 28, 2007 For my mum a homebirth definitely wouldn't have been possible. I was her fourth child and I had to be born prematurely, her blood pressure was really high and I was slowly killing her. How cheery! Anyway, if it was me I'd just be scared of complications. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snowy Posted May 28, 2007 Share Posted May 28, 2007 Where you give birth has to be your own decision based on your own comfort zones, no matter what anybody recommends or advices you. I would have been terrible having a home birth, my hat comes off to those of you that had one. Then again my hat comes off to any woman who has given birth, however they have done it. I knew the hosptial environment would make me feel more at ease and relaxed, and I had the best time whilst I gave birth to Stefan, after an horrific 46 hour labour, with the most wonderful midwife. It is good that we do have the choice. Did you go to the General or the Infirmary to have Stefan Gina? I went in to the General and was very impressed (but have also heard good things about the Infirmary's Maternity side) Despite cutbacks and rumours of closures, I think we are quite fortunate in Leicester! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 28, 2007 Share Posted May 28, 2007 I would have loved a homebirth, but after Duncan had to be pulled out, kicking, screaming (and I'm sure) hanging tightly onto my hipbone, trying to stay in, it became apparant that it was not to be. Owen and Caitlin proved it, by both being emergency c-sections. Sometimes we have to give up the perfect dream to gain the perfect reality. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sparkleeeeee Posted May 28, 2007 Share Posted May 28, 2007 i had a home birth with my second child, my first was a pretty horrendous affair at the hospital, i do try not to think about it. my home birth was great and nice and quick 3hrs and the midwife almost didnt make it, it was the coldest night in jan 2006 and the gas and air froze and i only managed to get about 5 mins of it at the end. i didnt care, it was the best experience of my life. my friend has also just had a really nice home birth. i would recommend it to anyone, it is really relaxing and doesnt hurt half as much (well it didnt for me) . sometimes it can go wrong so you should always remember that you might be rushed in to hospital. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lailapet Posted May 28, 2007 Share Posted May 28, 2007 Despite my best intentions to the contrary I had both my children in hospital and am really pleased I did or I might not have had any of them now... My cousin had her 3rd child in the back seat of her dad's car on the way there... Yes, you're right, thank god we have the choice! Laila Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Dogmother Posted May 29, 2007 Share Posted May 29, 2007 Great news! When I was born, all 2nd children were born at home. So my sister was delivered at home - my poor mother had two horrendous births (both forceps) after long deliveries. I wanted a home birth with Rosie, but it soon became obvious that she was a very big baby and was a footling breech, so I had to have a planned c section 2 weeks ahead of her due date. Although I was disappointed, I was also relieved to know that I'd be in the best hands - I had a marvellous obststrician and the local hospital is fabulous. I think that so long as it is a positive experience, that's what matters. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheK9s Posted May 29, 2007 Share Posted May 29, 2007 I had a home birth for our last baby with the most fabulous and supportive independent midwife ever. I wouldn't go near the NHS for maternity care again ever thanks to my horrific GP who refused to consult me at all if I opted for a HB and ended up being so incensed at my choices that she ordered we be reported to the SS as a potential child protection risk!!!! So that was fun. Jamie was born at home after an hour and a half labour (would have been shorter if I could have been bothered standing up!) weighing in at a whopping 11lb 9oz. I can heartily reccomend it. Jo Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 29, 2007 Share Posted May 29, 2007 Oooo-errrr....11lb 9???! I thought Owen was a whopper at 9lb 8oz!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bronze Posted May 29, 2007 Share Posted May 29, 2007 ow ow ow I thought my 9lb 14er was big I cant believe your gp! Surely she should be the one being reported. I had a horrendous mw for the antenatal stages of my last birth who WILL be reported after I've finished my PTS therapy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AnnieP Posted May 29, 2007 Share Posted May 29, 2007 My eyes are now watering uncontrollably. WHY oh why do I read threads about giving birth?? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheK9s Posted May 29, 2007 Share Posted May 29, 2007 Honestly it was no effort at all, not a scratch. Infact poor Brian came off worst after wearing a hole in his hand rubbing my back! I think I'm just lucky really. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted May 29, 2007 Share Posted May 29, 2007 For me, the best thing about a hospital birth is staying overnight. I did that with all of mine, even though the hospital wanted me to go home after the last one. It just seems really special - just me and my baby, no-one else, not even my husband. Real me-time which I loved. I knew the minute I went home, I had other children, visitors etc to interrupt my precious time. It would have been even nicer if the babies had woken up and needed me. All of mine slept right through, but at least I could look at them. I wish we had see-through cradles at home. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...