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Double Drat

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Thanks Lesley and Choccy.


It is a bit better today. Not as painful, but very stiff.


It has taken me till now to sort myself out ablutions wise...have only just got out of the shower. If I got in the bath I don't think I'd get out again!.


Am vegging out today although I might try to get to the shops later.


Isn't day time television appalling!


Have got a hair appointment tomorrow...I MUST be OK for that!

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Just a word of advice, dont use heat on it, heat increases the inflammation and, whilst it feels comfortable and easing, will usually make it feel worse 2 hrs later!! Stick a cold pack on it, make sure it is wrapped up in a tea-towel to stop ice burns, and put over affected area of back for 5 mins every hour for a couple of days, then 5 - 10 mins 2 to 3 times a day. Ice helps to reduce swelling and aids healing (draws blood to the area).


Keep gently moving, but if you have to sit, do so for no longer than 20 mins, after which you should get up and have a shuffle about for 5 mins or so. Absolutely no high heels!! Ideally, if you are so wracked with pain, you should either be lying down or standing, sitting creates the highest pressure loading on the discs of the spine, thus will probably be painful.


Going to the loo... try bringing your knees up, or leaning frwards slightly... there will be a comfortable position. (Just a serious note here to everyone, if you find you are incontinent after getting an onset of back pain, you should go to the dr's as a matter of emergency)


And yes, echo the comments about seeing an osteopath. I would just like to point out that osteopathy is NOT all about manipulation, and in some circumstances, manipulation is contra-indicated.


Hope you are feeling better egluntine!

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1. Just a word of advice, dont use heat on it.

2. Absolutely no high heels!!


1. Oh Heck I used one of those stick on heat pad whatsits last night. :shock: Have taken you advice and am wearing a bag of frozen peas at the mo!


2. This made me laugh so much it hurts. I'm the kind of gal who feels that hob nailed boots are too dressy!


Thanks for the advice geb0205...it is really kind of you to type up such a lengthy response.

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Improving I think although getting a lot of sharp twinges now.!.....I hope I get to the hairdressers...my grey roots are showing!.....and you all thought the auburn hues were my own! (they were once!)


I don't think I could stand another day of daytime TV.

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I don't think I could stand another day of daytime TV.


Oh dear, my boss just came back after being signed off for a week to rest so they could get some proper blood tests done. It's been hard work keeping the branch running but even harder stopping her coming in to work! - she couldnt stand being at home watching tv :lol:




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sorry to hear about the bad back, hope it's improving. When you're recovered, I strongly recommend Alexander Technique lessons.


I started learning this a couple of years ago and it's transformed the way I sit, stand and move. A totally unexpected bonus is that I hardly get headaches any more, I used to get them once or twice a week, and it was obviously due to tension in my back and shoulders. Even migraines have reduced to once or twice a year, instead of the 10-12 I used to get.


Hope the trip to the hairdressers has boosted your morale anyway.

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Managed OK at the hairdressers, although I couldn't get up out of the lie back chair that you sit in to have your hair washed! :oops::lol:


To the accompaniment of great mirth and merriment I was heaved out by two of the girls.:lol:


As they said....I've been going there so long that I am practically staff!


I had a good walk round and I am sure that has helped.


Can't empty the dishwasher or hoover though. Shame. :lol:

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Sorry babe only just caught up with this...........I once did my back in chopping onions :roll: dont ask!-putting on my ex-fitness instructors hat I just wanted to say when you are well enough some abs training will benefit you greatly, stability ball is partic good, if you get your abs to do a bit more work naturally, your back can take a rest.

Hope you feel better soon (shame about the housework eh?)


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A moments inattention this morning when lifting a box into the car and I've gone and done my back in.




Am high as a kite on painkillers and dying to go to the loo but can't quite work out how I'm going to achieve it!


Couldn't even sit at the computer for a couple of hours this aft. Still hurts like crazy but I was getting withdrawal symptoms from not being on the forum.


Aww that's really bad. it is just sooo frustrating when you know it's just gone and you've got no-one else to blame.


I do hope it feels better soon.

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