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Do many folks here give their girls corn?


I had a big parcel come from Ascott poultry supplies yesterday :dance: and as a special treat ordered my girls a big sack of Organic mixed Corn, .....well I thought porridge caused chaos here, little did I know what corn would do .....they LOVE it !!!! :D:D


I gather I should only give it to them as a treat though?? Will it make them fat? :think:

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i give mine tinned sweetcorn but not dried corn, is this what you mean?


I wonder why they love it as the dried stuff can't taste of anything? :?



do you feed it dry or is it meant to be soaked, i know nothing about corn in sacks!? :?

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i give mine tinned sweetcorn but not dried corn, is this what you mean?


I wonder why they love it as the dried stuff can't taste of anything? :?


yes its dry. I have always given our girls tinned sweetcorn as a treat, but they go mad for this dry stuff.


might get some then as it would probably be healthier for them than the tinned stuff.

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i give mine tinned sweetcorn but not dried corn, is this what you mean?


I wonder why they love it as the dried stuff can't taste of anything? :?


yes its dry. I have always given our girls tinned sweetcorn as a treat, but they go mad for this dry stuff.


might get some then as it would probably be healthier for them than the tinned stuff.


I got a 20kg bag and considering im giving them a handful an afternoon - it will last for quite a while. You should get some for pure comedy value - I've not seen our Big girl Ella run that fast for a long time!! :D

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My girls stampede if we go anywhere near the summerhouse where the corn is kept. They will do anything for corn.


We had trouble when we first got them, we spoiled them with too much corn and they wouldn't eat their pellets, but when we got two new girls who ate loads of pellets we managed to get the other girls back on track. :lol: They now only get a little in the late afternoon.


Hubby is known as corn man in our house because he likes to indulge them :lol:

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Mixed corn along with saultanas are my girls favs, they go crazy for it, I sometimes just pop a handfull of it mixxed in with their layers mash, or I just put a little pile of it on the floor by the patio doors if they are out free ranging. As a result they are always loitering by the patio doors

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Do you mean like the corn you pop for popcorn? Or the mixed grains you buy specially for poultry?


Inspired by this thread i took mine some unpopped popping corn this afternoon and they turned their beaks up at it!




I mean proper poultry corn, we bought a big organic sack of mixed corn.....they even went in the garage staring lovingly at the sack today!! :shock::lol::lol:

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I mean proper poultry corn, we bought a big organic sack of mixed corn.....they even went in the garage staring lovingly at the sack today!!


I've got some of that - our poultry centre sells it in various types, mine is specifically for Growers.


Do you know though, I don't think my chickens are very chickeny yet. Perhaps they get that when they start laying but so far they can take or leave raisins, porridgy type treats, mixed corn and popcorn :oops:


They only really go bonkers for sweetcorn and cooked rice.


They still go ape when they see their bright pink treat bowl so perhaps one day they'll enjoy what's in it!



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Mine are going to lose their legs soon. They will be crushed because they are continually getting under my feet as I try and walk down the garden, even if I am not going to the shed where the corn is kept!! Either that or I will break my legs tripping over them!


If they're not careful I will be in a wheelchair and they'll have to be tied to a roller-skate! :lol: Silly birds.

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