CatsCube Posted January 4, 2008 Share Posted January 4, 2008 My 2 year old has had an awfull cold/flu? the last ew days and Im not sure what I should do. He has a really bad cough which has had him up crying all night last night, runny nose, horrific looking poo. No vomiting and no temperature. But this will now be his 4th day of not wanting to eat, and Im struggling to get him to drink anything either, so Im worried about him being dehydrated. He has only had about 3 sips of drink in the last 24 hours, and he wont even have a spoon of calpol (which he normally loves) I dont know if I should take him to the doctors or what I could give him to help. I know the doctors are stacked with people going in with flu and this winter sickness bug so I really dont want to waste their time. What do you think? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Geoid Posted January 4, 2008 Share Posted January 4, 2008 call NHS direct, and see what they say Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Goosey Lucy Posted January 4, 2008 Share Posted January 4, 2008 Does he have a temp? Have you tried eating ice lollies? usually good for dehydration. My almost 4 year old was like this over Christmas, eventually ended up with Slap Cheek. If you've worried, ring your surgery. NHSDirect will probably recommend him seeing a doc, that's what we've been told whenever we've rung them. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Egluntyne Posted January 4, 2008 Share Posted January 4, 2008 I'd take him to the docs asap.. If he has only had a few sips of fluid and is having runny poos then he will be dehydrated. No doctor will think you are wasting their time with a poorly child. I hope he perks up quickly, Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeckyBoo Posted January 4, 2008 Share Posted January 4, 2008 I think that you know your child best and if you're worried then take him to the doctors. I can't remember how old your little one is, but try ice pops or lollies, and (and this is a bit of a longshot) whenever I take mine to the doctors they instantly pick up. Could you wrap him up and take him somewhere for an ice pop and juice? You might find that the change of scene is just enough to break the cycle. A good way to see if they're dehydrated it to pinch the skin on the back of his hand, if it snaps back he's probably fine, if it sinks back slowly then he's getting dehydrated. That said, I AM NOT MEDICAL IN ANY WAY!! I've just got 3 kids and been stressed every time they're sick! Good luck, I hope he picks up quickly, poor little thing it's such a worry when they're poorly. Mrs Bertie DURR! Just read the first line of your post again - he's 2 (goldfish memory!) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CatsCube Posted January 4, 2008 Author Share Posted January 4, 2008 Well I called NHS direct and Im still not sure what to do. They very unhelpfully said that I needed to make sure he drank, and I said I have a drink with him constantly and I keep trying to get him to have some, and she said 'well you will have to try harder' well quite how Im ment to force it down his throat I dont know she said I could try rehydration salts, but if he isnt drinking that might not work, and she said I could try the doctors if I wanted, but to be carefull about exposing him to others with the winter sickness bug, and I dont want to risk him getting that too. So still not sure. Im trying to call my mum so she can watch Dylan for me if I do get a doctors appointment, as the last think I want to do is expose a 8 month old to a load of sick people in the waiting room with this winter vimiting bug going round. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted January 4, 2008 Share Posted January 4, 2008 I was gonna say don't waste your time with NHS direct. I've tried them a few times and found them to be worse than useless. You would be better off going to see a pharmacist, which might not be a bad idea. Dioralite (sp) is a special drink stuff for rehydration, tastes nice and is prescribed for littlies (James had it a couple of years ago and he is only 5). We saw the Doctor with Mum on Monday and they were not that busy, she phoned at 8am when they give out the appointments for the day and when we were sat there at 9.20 they were still offering people appointments over the phone. HOWEVER if they say they have nothing be VERY assertive, mention over and over the age of your child and how worried you are, if they mention NHS direct say you've called them and they thought you should see a doctor. If they still refuse to find an appointment, ask how you call the doctor out - that usually makes them find a gap to fit a small child into. I've done this with my old surgery. They will probably just prescribe the Diarolite (sp) BUT seeing somone puts your mind at rest that you are doing all you can. After all this is not you saying "I feel ill" this is a small child and you worry so much more about them. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rhapsody Posted January 4, 2008 Share Posted January 4, 2008 Personally, I wouldnt bother there is nothing a doc can do for a virus. Get some orange juice and add 1tbsp sugar and 1 tsp salt, its exacty the same as a rehydration product! Also flat coca-cola is good. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fairy&cake Posted January 4, 2008 Share Posted January 4, 2008 hey. have you tried dyoralite? its a powder to rehydrate, comes in Blueberry Blackcurrant Raspberry flavors. Its not that bad and its really good for rehydrating Seth had to have it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CatsCube Posted January 4, 2008 Author Share Posted January 4, 2008 Very anoyingly my mum isnt answering her phone at the moment, but when I can get hold of her I will get her to come over and watch them both and I will get some stuff from the chemist for him. I dont really want to have to get him dressed and coat on, out into the cold etc when he is like this. He is currently next to me on the sofa sleeping quite well right now. Im going to monitor his nappies to see if he is still weeing okay, as the NHS person said if his nappy is wet then he is not dehydrated. Thanks for your advice ladies, I think I will see how today goes, and just try dosing him up as much as poss. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
riane Posted January 4, 2008 Share Posted January 4, 2008 Keep a close eye...if his temp is ok then his body is probably coping with it....but good observations will tell you if things are getting lollies are good,, a sponge down and fresh pjyamas can brighten them up....sorry dont have anything else to add...hope he feels better soon Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted January 4, 2008 Share Posted January 4, 2008 As Mrs Bertie said, you know your own child. But it is the weekend and he is only 2. If you are worried - and i think you are - I would take him to the doctor. When they're older, you can just sit it out a bit longer but at 2, you may need more advice. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Egluntyne Posted January 4, 2008 Share Posted January 4, 2008 I agree with Ginette. He may have an ear infection or chest can't rule it out for sure. I'd be on the safe side and take him to the doc's....especially as the w/e is looming. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sarah 2 Posted January 4, 2008 Share Posted January 4, 2008 I think you should take him too. There are loads of nasty bugs at the moment. I took my little boy to the doc's thinking he just had a bad cold and conjunitivitus but it turned out, he had croup. The doc's never think you're wasting your time when it come to children. But the NHS direct are right if his nappies are wet then he's not de hydrated. Another thing you could try is to give him a tea spoon of water every 20 mins. That should keep him hydrated. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ain't Nobody Here Posted January 4, 2008 Share Posted January 4, 2008 I've just found your post. Sorry to hear about your little chap. As he's so young, I wouldn't hesitate to take him to the docs. Hope you can get your mum to sit with the baby. Good luck and don't worry, you're obviously doing all you can. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Dogmother Posted January 4, 2008 Share Posted January 4, 2008 Oh, poor little s"Ooops, word censored!", I hope that he gets better soon Cat. I can only echo the excellent advice above and be sure to 'look at him afresh' every now and then. Sometimes, you're too close to the coal face with a sick child and can miss something, or a gradual deterioration, so step away, go to another room and then come back to look at him and assess the symptoms as if it's the first time you've seen him. All you can do at the moment is treat the symptoms. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BeckyBoo Posted January 4, 2008 Share Posted January 4, 2008 Just to echo what someone else said (I'm useless at remembering who said what ) don't bother with Diarolyte (sp?) it tastes foul, a paramedic told me to give my Mum flat coke - full fat not diet. You've got far more chance of getting him to drink it. You're not supposed to give Calpol and Nurofen more than three days running but I've just been advised by a GP to carry on with it for my eldest (mind you she's 6) and you did know you can give both together didn't you? Then you can alternate (which is what I'm having to do with eldest for the last few days) one is every 6 hours the other every 8 so it's easier to keep them ticking over. If you are worried get the doctor to come out and explain why - he's too ill to be exposed to any awful bugs. We're lucky, we have a good GP, we've only asked her to come out once when middle one was really sick with vomiting etc but she came no problem. God, my 2 yr old is having a paddy gotta go, good luck with yours Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jules. Posted January 4, 2008 Share Posted January 4, 2008 How are things now? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snowy Posted January 4, 2008 Share Posted January 4, 2008 Poor you Catscube, awful when they are poorly isn't it? As a nurse and a Mum, I would be looking at a doctor appointment now. It may just be viral, but if it is something like an ear infection or something that needs antibiotics, better sort it today than tonight or over the weekend. The worst that can happen is you'll be reassured that it's not serious. Same advice as before - alternate calpol and nurofen for fever; keep giving him sips of water (try anything to get it down him, even if it's only one mouthful every minute or so). Mine wouldn't drink the dioralyte either but if you can get that down him even better. All the best hon, hope you get him sorted, bless him. xx Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bronze Posted January 4, 2008 Share Posted January 4, 2008 You said about his poo but didnt mention if he was weeing. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chickencam Posted January 4, 2008 Share Posted January 4, 2008 None of mine would touch Dioralyte, so we have used ice lollies and also bottled water with sports caps kept cool the odd sip every half hour or so can be quite refreshing and easy to drink. I also always gave mine the full sugar calpol which they may be fazing out now, but I always found that the sugar in it would give them a little lift and make them more likely to eat and drink. We don't eat many biscuits in this house, but you can't beat a rich tea for stimulating the apetite and perking you up if you have been off your food and unwell. I would avoid the doctors personally because of the vomiting bug, if you are really worried take him to A & E because if he is dehydrated they can at least put him on a drip, but if he can get better in the comfort of his own home then all the better. Best wishes Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jules. Posted January 4, 2008 Share Posted January 4, 2008 Diorolyte is I've tried it.... Diet coke is tasty for re hydrating little ones.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Egluntyne Posted January 4, 2008 Share Posted January 4, 2008 Any improvement since this morning? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CatsCube Posted January 4, 2008 Author Share Posted January 4, 2008 Well he has been drinking a little and when I had my lunch he pointed at my yogurt so I fed him most of that. He has spent most of the day asleep, just crying a little. He still doesnt have a temperature at all so I dont think its any sort of chest infection at the moment. If he gets a temperature, or his nappies stay dry for to long I can always call out the emergency weekend doctor. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Egluntyne Posted January 4, 2008 Share Posted January 4, 2008 That sounds promising. Let's hope he picks up over the w/e. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...