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If you suddenly come into money ?

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What would you do if you came into some money ? say 70,000 to 100,000.


I thought it would be quite easy to decide, but when I thought about it I wouldn't know wether to spend or keep it for old age as security or something like that.


There is a program on the TV who traces members of a family of a person who has died and haven't left a will.


Just got me thinking........what would you do.

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:evil: pay off (part of) the mortgage!


I'd probably keep a little bit aside for something nice that I couldn't usually afford. And give some away - I'd treat my friends to a weekend away, and make a donation to charity. If you get good luck, you should always pass some of it on!


I don't think it's likely though, no long-lost relatives in my family, I know exactly where and who they all are.

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hmmm, depends whether we could get a really good interest rate if we saved it, otherwise we'd pay off the mortgage. I think you have to blow a bit of it so, we'd buy a cube and have someone come and build a bigger run! :D

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Give most of it to my parents so we can move to a house with a bigger garden for the chickens to romp!


Also I'd give some to the rest of my family too, but more to Vikki and Dave in the hope that he'll find a job soon and they can get their wedding pans sorted out! :wink: (Seriously a bit of a non starter at the minute, but that's another story).

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Save some for the children for when they're older, put the rest towards a bigger house, or rather a house with more land, therefore more animals and more chickens!! :lol:


Now, if I won the lottery, I mean millions, well you could change SO many lives, pay off all my friends mortgages, if we didn't have a mortgage each month we'd be laughing. :lol: Put the kids through private school (I know they're not necessarily better but I went to one but can't afford one for my three) give SHED loads to charity, and - same again - buy a house with land and have animals and chickens!!


Oh yes, did I mention give up work, that'd be the very first thing I did! Someone at work came into £400,000 lucky lucky so and so, he didn't think twice, jacked it in and was last seen laughing into the sunset! :lol::lol:



Mrs Bertie

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I'd build a conservatory, do a garage conversion (for a playroom), buy a cube, pay off some bills and try to save a little. Of course it would also enable me to spoil our families a bit too.


I would also pay for marriage guidance as my hubby would be trying to spend the whole amount on a (very) flash and impractical car..... :lol:

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:lol: Definitely pay off the mortgage! :lol:


On the same note, did anyone hear an interview last week (I can't remember who or when :oops: ) It was on the radio, possibly Jeremy Vine, and an expert was supporting inheritance tax. Because "people don't save money for their children to inherit, they save to fund their care in old age. And if children inherit, the first thing they do is pack in work, drop out of the work system and stop contributing to the economy" :shock::shock::evil: I was speechless! :roll:

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With £100,000 I think I would buy a little flat to rent out and start using the income from it to do all the jobs that need doing on my house, and that way I keep the capital too :D


If I won millions, I would invest a substantial amount and use the interest each year to play 'fairy godmother' to any of those hard luck stories you see in the media, and any other good causes I could think of. Also I would buy a portfolio of freehold properties to rent out and provide an income. Then I could buy a lovely house with more garden, for chooks and veggies :D Of course I would have to give up my wonderful job to have time to do this, but sacrifices have to be made :wink::D

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If I suddenly got £100000 from somewhere I'd pay off the debts I have in the UK (have considered declaring myself bankrupt, but am not sure how it would impact on my life here in Denmark so still paying it off a little every month) then I'd buy a new car and treat my children and myself to a complete new wardrobe... I might put some aside for a deposit on a new home. We're renting at the moment so don't have a mortgage, but I've seen some lovely plots of land for sale in the vilage where the children's school is, so that seems a sensible place to live. I like the idea of building my own house - or at least having some builders build it for me as I'm better at decorating than the heavy bits. I'd also give generously to charities and nice presents for friends and family, but I'm selfish enough to think of myself first. Ahh the dreams...


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i would give my aunt whoe very very ill £10k,


I would pay some of my morgage off.


I would send my Nan and grandad on a little holiday as there both terminally ill.


ANd i would invest the rest.


If i won millions, i would pay off all my close families morgage, appart from my parents, [their rich enough] and i would go into the chuldrens ward, write a list of all the toys the children wanted and buy them all.


I would buy as many houses as i could, and rent them out to people making just enough to cover morgages etc.


And any left over i would save.

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