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Can I Join....Lucky Newbie with lovely new Eglu, Run & G

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I just wanted to say a big hello and thank you to all posters because I've been sneakily looking at the website for a few months now and have taken on board lots of advice from you all without you knowing!


I am a lucky girl, having a wonderful husband build me a lovely big run and given in to me having an eglu with 3 lovely girls. He's been out in all weathers since Christmas and I'm so happy with it - I hope you can see the pictures.


I've got the chicken keeping bug already and hope they warm to us as much as we have warmed to them!


It seems a really friendly board and hope I can give advice as and when I learn the answers!




Wonderful DH

2 beautiful daughters

2 labradors

and now a proud owner of

(purple eglu) 04/01/08

Hetty Hen (white chicken) - Fenning Sussex - arrived 27/01/08 - 19 wks

Big Bertha (Bluebelle) - Mendlesham Blue - arrived 27/01/08 - 19 wks

Feisty Fiery Freda PP - Fenning Black - arrived 27/01/08 - 19 wks





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Hello and welcome. :lol:


What a work of art.


The little garden feature is very pretty.


I completely misread the phrase "hemcore kickers" and thought it said "hemcore knickers"


Bearing in mind that someone on the forum is after a chicken nappy, I thought you had devised an intriguing garment along similar lines.


I must stop speed reading. :oops:


Your hens are lovely.

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I'm not sure I want to join the board now, you've all got knickers on the brain!!!!


No s"Ooops, word censored!" that, I think I'll fit in well with you mad lot!


The girls are settling in well, the dogs have finally stopped barking, they just circle the run lion like but the Hetty, Bertha and Freda don't seem to mind that now.


I've seen Bertha and Freda sitting on the hemcore for a short time, is this an indication of possible imminent eggs or are they bored do you think?


Thanks for all your compliments, I'll pass them on to my husband, will make his already large head bigger!




Wonderful DH

2 beautiful daughters

2 labradors

and now a proud owner of

(purple eglu) 04/01/08

Hetty Hen (white chicken) - Fenning Sussex - arrived 27/01/08 - 19 wks

Big Bertha (Bluebelle) - Mendlesham Blue - arrived 27/01/08 - 19 wks

Feisty Fiery Freda PP - Fenning Black - arrived 27/01/08 - 19 wks

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