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Mistletoe is missing - NOW HOME

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I have started a new thread as I was hijacking the other one a bit. Mistle toe has been missing since last night.


I have been out several time this morning looking for her and have also been doing some detective work asking people who were leaving for work, getting their papers etc. It seems that Mistletoe wandered over the fence at the back of our garden into the cul-de-sac at the back. She was seen by a lady who lives there. She said that as she didn't know anybody who kept chickens in this area, she got her husband to take the hen to the alley way at the side of the fish and chip shop (why she couldn't have just called RSPCA I will never know). We have walked up and down the alley way but can't see her. Hubby is printing out leaflets for us to put through doors and our local Co-op has offered to put up an A4 poster with her picture on asking if anybody has seen her.


I have called our local police station but there is "Ooops, word censored!"ody there until 8am. RSPCA opens here at 12pm.


I am going to call the police station again in a few minutes when they open. :D

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Just had a call as a result of our leaflet drop. Mistletoe is in Somerleyton about 7 miles away. Seems that an old couple found her destroying her garden and knocked on their neighbours door as he used to keep chickens. He then took her to his Mother-in-laws house in Somerleyton as she has a big garden. He is going to collect her this afternoon and bring her home.


You couldn't write stuff like this for tv.

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