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It's going to be how cold??

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Our local radio statoin said -6 to -8 :shock: It was pretty cold today altho very very pretty, is anyone going to try and protect their chooks in this extreme cold? I'm a bit concerned about the ex-batts, they've got some feathers and they all snuggle up but do you think they'll be OK? I did wonder about putting the cover for the big padded swing seat over the hen house to keep some cold out but thought they might get a bit stuffy r sweaty in there. GOD! There's always something to think about!


Mrs Bertie

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I was wondering the same Mrs B. We are always 2-3 degrees colder here as we are away from the town.


For the first time in ages, they are in separate eglus (2 in one and 3 in the other). Might brave the cold and put all 5 together :?


Fire is roaring, but the house is still cold.





Edit - been out and they are fine, toasty and warm in their own eglus. Got a filthy look from Winifred though :lol::lol:

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OK I have a confession to make here.


2 of my girls have been sleeping in the nesting box this week and I realised this afternoon it was extra mucky. So I cleaned it out a day early.


Then I forgot to shut the girls in (keep doing that lately)


The Anti Chicken (about time I started calling her TAC!) said I was a bad chicken mum and went to shut them in. She came back and told me they were ALL huddled in the nest box in a FREEZING draft as I'D LEFT THE EGG PORT DOOR OFF!!


We went for the rasing body temperature in the hot tub option rather than lighting the fire tonigh. It's worked a treat and I'm all snuggly.

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Spent all day cleaning eglus, run, clearing garden,making porridge, pampering to every chicken whim possible :roll: covered both eglus with warm covers (but still leaving the little holes open for ventilation :D ) and then me and hubby prepare x2 hot water bottles to go in the eglu poo trays, bottles carefully filled, then wrapped in tin foil (for extra warmth) and then placed in fleecy patterned hot water bottle covers!


Once placed in eglus chickens fought to sit above them and weren't budging!


I cannot believe how much we do for our chickens!! :roll::lol::lol:

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I made my banties a nice warm porridge with tuna this morning and they spurned it! :roll:


Luckily for them, I remembered it was going to be cold again tonight and asked LSH to shut the eglu door as well as the run - normally I don't bother with the latter. Cold here despite central heating - brrrrrr!


Tomorrow I really must get my early garlic planted - apparently it benefits from a cold spell, so it should be fine :)

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