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What did you get for Mothers day?

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I got a wonderful big box set of Marc Jacobs Daisy products ,including the perfume.

I love this scent,& am really delighted with the girls for knowing that I would love it :P


Just wish my cold would go so I can smell it :roll::lol::lol::lol:

We are postponing our annual Mothers day lunch out, as I can't taste anything,which would be a bit of a waste of time :roll:

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I got some wonderful homemade cards and a box of chocolates bought with their pocket money :D


and breakfast in bed for the first time made entirely by themselves...I was a bit worried when I heard them saying "let's make porridge" but fortunately they decided it may be "a bit complicated" so I had a lovely selection of 3 cereals instead!!

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My second Mothers Day!


I got a lovely plant in a gorgeous pot and a box of very naughty, but nice chocolates.


I've also been left in some peace and quiet this morning. The boys have gone out and I'm really appreciating a quiet, relaxing time while I am so heavily pregnant.


Chocloates are going down well with my cuppa :wink:


Happy Mothers Day

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I got a card from little Miss Webmuppet and a whole hours peace before I go to work. The OH and LMW have gone to watch the dinghy racing. When I get to work I will be cooking roast dinner for 8 people. :shock: All part of the keeping the chaps happy.........the perils of being a girlie surrounded by blokes!

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It certainly does count Laura!! :lol:

I got summoned downstairs by OH with smallest boy saying "daddy laid you an egg!" which intrigued me enough to go downstairs at 0730! To find boiled egg, fresh from the cube, in my new blue tin egg cup witht the pink flip flop feet, soldiers, orange juice and coffee. It was very nice altho I don't normally eat breakfast so had to force it down a bit. Plus cards from the children although they'd already given me their homemade ones straight from school - they were the best ones, the shop ones OH had bought were nice but you can't beat the bad spelling and dodgy drawings of a 5 and 7 year old! :lol:

Now he's taken all three out which is a real trial for him, and he's gone to Wickes to buy the rest of the chicken wire and stuff for the never-ending chicken run saga. Plus he's taken mil's plant, card and bag with lemon curd, picallili (which I still can't spell) and tomato and onion relish). I meanwhile am frantically cleaning and getting dinner ready for when my Mum comes which will be in approximately 25 mins!! Aaaagh! Not ready!



Oh nice, I just found a pile of dog sick to clean up. Happy Mothers Day!



Mrs Bertie

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My dear boys have made me their usual highly original and amusing Mothers Day cards - both have chickens on again :lol: . I look forward to these more than anything else as they are wonderful. Neither of them are particularly artistic which makes them even more special as they've taken the time to sit down and draw me something which they know I'll love, bless them.


LSH is golfing this morning and the boys are happy upstairs so I've had a nice peaceful morning in the conservatory where the sun is shining, making it glorious in there. I've baked a cake too and have lots of washing blowing on the line as I don't do days off anymore - too fidgety for that :lol: . When LSH gets home, we're going out for the afternoon to visit some lovely gardens which are open today.


I took my Mum's basket of homemade goodies over on Friday and she's really pleased with them.


Have a wonderful day, Mums :D .

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a lovely unrushed start to the day :D :D - teenagers.......no chance of them waking me early with a cuppa and a card :wink::D


G&B chocs :drool: tulips :D and 2 lilac glugs :lol: :lol:


6 beautiful eggs from my girls 8):D:D


Off to the tip and waitrose now...........then my mum is coming round later for dinner :D :D

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Four lovely homemade cards for me... (two from DD3, none from DD4, but then at 19 months she's a bit young)... soft boiled egg with soldiers and tea for breakfast... now getting ready to go to my favourite restaurant for lunch with them all (turkish mezze place)...


Oh, and I got DH to do the school uniform laundry.... though with the amount of instructions it took, it'd have been quicker and easier to do it myself... still, he did it, and I'm grateful :wink:

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Wow you guys received some great gifts :) I got nothing, but then I didn't expect anything :roll: DH and eldest son stayed up really late last night getting extremely drunk together, I think they call it 'male bonding' :( I have so far spent Mother's day handing out aspirin and cups of tea and trying not to make too much noise :evil::evil:



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I'd make as much noise as humanly possible Tess....in fact a spot of vacuuming might be called for....even though it is a Sunday.


Have you not got a shed to build? :lol::lol:


:D:D I'm just too nice I guess. We don't have a shed to build, but he is

halfway through building the new run, and this is ANOTHER day when nothing will be done to it :evil::evil: Maybe I will put my 'hoovering' music on really really loudly :wink::wink:



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I was woken at 8.30 by 3 beaming children one with 2 cups of tea one with a large jug of milk and one with a tray with hot toast and cereal for both hubby and myself :D


The children made lovely cards and hubby bought the gifts, 3 books including Brick lane this months book club read and an mp3 player which I now have in my ears so i can not hear the usual donestic chaos :lol:

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Lovely gifts everyone! Happy Mothers Day!


I had a lovely bouquet and cards from stepdaughter and the step grandchildren


Homemade cards from my own and a big box of chocs. Didn't have the heart to remind them that I'd announced I was trying to lose weight and not to buy me any chocs :roll: then spent half an hour cleaning up the glitter and glue that was left all over the dining room table after their card making session :?:roll:


Also woke up to a poorly boy - Dan seems to have some kind of viral infection and is spiking a temp and covered in a glorious, red, speckly rash. :( At least he's cheerful now he's had his calpol and I get to chill for the rest of the day while OH does tea. 8)

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